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Harmful Interference from the Netherlands Radio Agency perspective

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1 Harmful Interference from the Netherlands Radio Agency perspective
Johan Kroon Expert Satellite Communications Netherlands Radiocommunications Agency

2 Harmful Interference Harmful interference prevents satellite(s) from performing its functions. It can endanger any nation utilizing space at any time. Harmful interference can: - damage the communication traffic; - damage a satellite physically. Harmful interference causes: - degradation of available satellite capacity; - financial impact on the operator. Harmful interference to satellites can be categorized in two groups: - intentional harmful interference; - unintentional harmful interference. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

3 Intentional harmful interference
Intentional harmful interference may be caused by: governments to ‘prevent’ citizens from outside influences; to interrupt transmissions from e.g. resistant/protest groups (e.g. rebel groups “breaking in” on transponders); Intentional harmful interference is: Increasing at high speed, particularly in the Middle East (after the “Arab spring”); Some governments see satellite channels as a source of information used to undermine their power. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

4 Intentional harmful interference
Three main levels to oppose the intentional harmful interference: - political pressure; - technical solutions (e.g. anti jamming device); - international regulatory solutions (through ITU regulations). Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

5 Unintentional harmful interference
Unintentional harmful interference may be caused by; human errors; poor equipment; incorrect antenna pointing; bad installation; incorrect parameters used center frequency; polarization; equipment errors e.g. malfunction Uplink Power Control. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

6 Unintentional harmful interference
a completed coordination process under RR9 is required to minimize satellite interference; Only satellites properly registered in the MIFR and operating in accordance with the ITU RR have the right of international protection; Satellite operators should be better aware of proper installation of their equipment; Satellite operators should provide training and make their personnel aware of the negative results of harmful interference; Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

7 Cases of harmful interference experienced by the NL
Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

8 Mode-1 and -2 contour to protect Burum earth station
Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

9 Test points HOL21300 Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

10 Cases of harmful interference experienced by the NL
Concerns from Japan regarding interference from an NL satellite on an adjacent Japanese satellite: solved by bilateral negotiations. No interference was recorded; Illegal usage from a rebel group from Congo on a NL satellite: the operator has taken technical measures to remove them; France requested European countries to send a letter to countries in the Middle East requesting them to check transmissions at certain frequencies in order to eliminate interference on an Eutelsat satellite; A Middle East radio station at an NL satellite started transmitting ‘hate speech’. Not real harmful interference, more a matter of content, however political fuss. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

11 Cases of harmful interference experienced by the NL
Complaints from a government in SE Asia regarding ‘illegal’ transmissions over their territory from a station on an NL satellite; Iridium satellites interfere with NL radio astronomy. Ongoing case. Generally NL experiences a limited amount of interference cases on satellites and earth stations, however: An increase is foreseen as a result of more pressure on ‘satellite spectrum’ e.g. by IMT. More usage/sharing of bands (C-band!); European Commission: broadband for every citizen by 2020; More integration of services (e.g. FSS – MSS); These and other developments result in a need for more sharing of spectrum, technical sharing solutions and regulatory sharing frameworks etc. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

12 ITU Regulations ITU Constitution: “All stations…must be established and operated in such a manner as not to cause harmful interference to radio services…of other member states” etc. ITU Radio Regulations: Rights and Obligations of member states regarding the use of orbits/spectrum. The RR contains obligations to immediately take action to stop signal(s) causing harmful interference. However: no enforcement mechanisms in the current RR! Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

13 Harmful interference, what to do?
The Administration: - collecting all relevant information; - informs the ITU-BR (letter, fax, ); - Officially requests for assistance. Information to be submitted to the ITU: - description of the interference case; - information as required by App 10 of the RR; - Information as required by ITU report SM.2181; - Additional information e.g. plots, location information, technical measurements. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

14 What the NL Radio Agency does today
1) The operator announces the interference to the NL Radio Agency: 2) With support of the operator, the origin of the interference is located (geo location); The NL can use the Leeheim monitoring station (agreement ECO - Germany); If the interference origins from the NL or neighboring countries, the precise location can also be found by using spectrum monitoring units (NL agreement for usage German mobile units); 3) The NL sends an official complaint to the country where the interfering station was localized; 4) The NL inform the ITU-BR by sending them a copy of the official complaint; 5) Usually no reply received, but interference mostly disappears(!) Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

15 Solutions ITU should, were possible provide assistance to member states in case of harmful interference situations; the ITU could perform monitoring/measurements, to check the technical parameters related to a reported case of interference (however monitoring by ITU is a sensitive matter!) International implementation of Carrier ID: an unique ID within a video or data carrier, to easier identify the source of interfering signals; An ITU database with interference cases (“Name & Shame”)?; Leading role of ITU in making member states and operators more aware of the negative results of harmful interference. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

16 Conclusions each ITU member state is responsible for the transmissions (and interference created) from licensed stations in their own territory. the ‘formal way’ (sending letters to the member state(s) identified as potential source of interference) usually works; Close cooperation between member states and with ITU is an important step to solve the problem of harmful satellite interference; Only satellites properly registered in the MIFR and operating in accordance with the ITU RR should have the right of international protection; Member states should exercise goodwill and provide mutual assistance in settling cases of harmful interference. Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

17 Finally Solving harmful interference is a challenge for the coming years. Harmful Interference is not caused by a lack of ITU regulations. There is also not one over-all solution for all cases. Solutions should be found in a combination of: Creating awareness of the negative impact of harmful interference; Close cooperation between ITU and its member states; An important role of ITU in setting up monitoring capabilities; Implementing solutions (e.g. carrier-ID) in new systems. Thank you! Harmful interference from the NL Radio Agency perspective 5 June 2014

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