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Palm Application Development & GUI Programming

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Presentation on theme: "Palm Application Development & GUI Programming"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing/Programming PalmOS Applications CS449 Introduction to Systems Software

2 Palm Application Development & GUI Programming
C Program hello.c SayHello( MainForm ); C header file hello.h #define MainForm 1000 hello .prc PalmOS executable Palm Resource file (GUI Elements) hello.rcp FORM ID MainForm AT ( ) USABLE BEGIN TITLE "Hello World" END Give handouts for the source code of hello.h, hello.rcp, and hello.c

3 Palm Resource file (GUI Elements)
Forms Alerts Menus Tables Lists/Popup Buttons Push buttons Check boxes Sliders, scrollbars Labels Look Up: Form bitmaps TextFields Give this slide and next 3 as handouts on GUI elements

4 Compiling & Linking a PalmOS Application (Hello World example)
(1) C Compiler m68k-palmos-gcc -c hello.c –o hello.o (2) Post-Processor m68k-palmos-obj-res hello C source code (hello.c) C Object code “Motorola binary code” m68k-palmos-gcc hello.o -o hello Separate code Resources typeXXX.myfile.grc files (type=code, data, pref, rloc) C Preprocessor Header file (hello.h) (4) Build-prc Post-Linker Combine all objects into a binary .prc Palm executable Palm Executable (.prc) Give this as a handout (works as a student reference) build-prc -t appl -o hello.prc -n “Hello” -c *.grc *.bin (3) PilRC hello.rcp UI Resource Compiler Convert .rcp to binary formatted A number of .bin files PalmOS Resource Code (hello.rcp)

5 PalmOS Developer Studio
Programming Tools Without IDE (Command-line) PRC-tools: m68k-palmos-gcc (C Compiler) m68k-palmos-obj-res (gcc Post-Processor) PilRC (UI Resource Compiler) Build-PRC (PalmOS Post-Linker) Cmd-line debugger Test/Run executable: Simulator Emulator PDA (HotSync) Cygwin Shell With IDE (GUI) Good Environment to: Edit/Develop Code Build Project Run Step in/out during execution Trace/Report Built-in PRC-tools Built-in Debugger Test/Run executable: Built-in Simulator Built-in Emulator PDA (HotSync) PalmOS Developer Studio

6 Cygwin Shell


8 Palm Examples: Hello World Program GUI & Run

9 PalmOS Developer Studio

10 target : source file(s)
Makefile-1 Script file to automate program compilation and linking (making) Makefile is a list of rules and commands: target : source file(s) command (must be preceded by a tab) CC=gcc CFLAGS=-g hello: hello.c $CC $(CFLAGS) -ohello hello.c

11 PalmOS Application Makefile

12 Examples: 1.CS Calculator

13 Example-2: IR Chat Program - Serial Communications using IR/Serial Ports

14 Example-3: Attack Game - Serial Communications

15 Example-4: GPad Program - Communicating over a network with TCP/IP

16 Example-5: VFS Program – Virtual File System

17 Example-5: VFS Program – Virtual File System

18 Operating System Kernel
Palm OS Architecture Applications User Mode Library (Managers) Memory Manager Window Manager Database Manager Comm. Manager VFS Manager Operating System Kernel Kernel Mode Hardware

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