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If you were absent for the Socratic Seminar-please answer the following questions via email or on a sheet of paper to make up the assignment.

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Presentation on theme: "If you were absent for the Socratic Seminar-please answer the following questions via email or on a sheet of paper to make up the assignment."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you were absent for the Socratic Seminar-please answer the following questions via or on a sheet of paper to make up the assignment.

2 Move the desks into one big circle
If you get stuck then look at the Socratic seminar starters and your book

3 Pg. 209 #7: Remember to keep in mind this is for speaking the truth & upholding significant memories
Socratic Seminar is going to run mostly from your questions. Remember you only get half credit if you don’t share or talk during Socratic Seminar. Use text evidence or examples to support what you are talking about in the discussion.

4 What is the importance of speaking the truth in the face of adversity?

5 To what extent are we responsible for our fellow humans?

6 “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” – Benjamin Franklin

7 “Honesty is more than not lying
“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” – James E. Faust

8 The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.
-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

9 Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag. -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

10 Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic diseases of the 20th century, and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press. -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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