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Presentation on theme: "Darwin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Darwin

2 Father of Evolution Evolution: Populations change over time
Theory: a well-supported testable explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world.

3 Lamarck Tendency towards perfection Use and Disuse
Bird’s urge to fly= better wings Use and Disuse Bird’s limbs into wings/ wings back to limbs Inheritance of Acquired traits Muscles to your offspring

4 Malthus Babies were being born faster than people were dying
Forces that acted against this growth were: War, Famine and disease. Darwin saw this in plants and animals even more than human ex. Maple trees

5 Evolution by Natural Selection
Struggle for existence Members of each species compete regularly to obtain food, living space, and other necessities of life.

6 Survival of the fittest: Natural Selection
Fitness: The ability of an individual to survive and reproduce in its specific environment. Adaptation: genetic trait that allows an organism to survive a selection pressure.

7 Descent with Modification: each living species has descended, with changes, from other species over time. Common descent: all living species - living and extinct - were derived from common ancestors Tree of Life: links all living things


9 Evidence of Evolution Fossil Record
Preserved remains of ancient organisms


11 Homologous Body Structures
Structures that have different mature forms but develop from the same embryonic tissue Strong evidence that all four-limbed vertebrates have descended, with modification from common ancestors.

12 Evidence for Evolution “Comparative Anatomy”

13 Vestigal organs Organ that are so reduced in size that they are just traces of homologous organs in other species. Currently they have no apparent function. Example in humans- appendix


15 Comparative Genetics DNA from different organisms works the same Early development is similar

16 Comparative Embryology


18 Evolution as Genetic Change
Directional Selection

19 Evolution as Genetic Change
Disruptive Selection

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