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Bell work: [How long did you study for the last test OUTSIDE of class?] As usual, please be honest.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work: [How long did you study for the last test OUTSIDE of class?] As usual, please be honest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work: [How long did you study for the last test OUTSIDE of class?] As usual, please be honest.

2 Balancing Chemical Equations
Demos to start

3 The Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed So Atoms cannot simply appear or disappear. However many atoms of each element you begin with before a chemical reaction- that same number of atoms will still be there after a chemical reaction.

4 The Law of Conservation of Matter Cont.
But if no atoms are created how can a chemical change take place? The same number of atoms will be there- but they will be put together in different ways! Kind of like Legos… To be sure the number of atoms remains the same before and after a reaction, you must learn the skill of…

5 Balancing Chemical equations!
You will start with a chemical reaction like this one… Mg + O MgO The arrow means “changes to” or “produces” Reactants (what you start with) Products (what is made)

6 Balancing Chemical equations!
Is the equation already balanced? See if there are equal numbers of each elements on both sides. Mg + O MgO 1 magnesium on this side Also 1 magnesium on this side only 1 oxygen on this side- so the equation is not balanced. 2 oxygens on this side

7 Balancing Chemical equations!
Balance the equations by putting coefficients (large numbers) IN FRONT of the entire compound. Mg + O MgO 2 2 Now there are now 2 Mg and 2 oxygens on this side. But now this side needs 2 Mg to balance the equation. Put a coefficient of 2 in front of Mg.

8 Balancing Chemical equations!
Now check to see if both sides have equal numbers of elements. Mg + O MgO 2 2 This side also has 2 Mg. This side has 2 Mg. This side has 2 O also. This side has 2 O. Now this chemical equation is BALANCED. Think about the law of conservation of matter…Why is balancing important?

9 Answer: A balanced reaction proves that no matter (atoms) have been created or destroyed!

10 Counting Atoms Mg = 1 atom of magnesium O2 = 2 atoms of oxygen
MgCl2 Cl= 2 atoms of chlorine H= 2 H2SO4 S= 1 O= 4

11 Counting Atoms N= 1 H= 4 NH4Cl Cl= 1 Mg= 1 Mg(NO3)2 N= 2 O= 6
(NH4)3PO4 N= 3 P= 1 H= 12 O= 4

12 Counting Atoms Ti= 1 Cr= 2 Ti(CrO4)2 O= 8 Ca= 3 Ca3(PO4)2 P= 2 O= 8
(NH4)2CO3 N= 2 C= 1 H= 8 O= 3

13 Counting Atoms 2 Mg atoms 2Mg= 3O2= 6 atoms of oxygen Mg= 3 Mg 3MgCl2
Cl= 6 Cl H= 6 3H2SO4 S= 3 O= 12

14 Counting Atoms N= 4 4NH4Cl H= 16 Cl= 4 Mg= 6 6Mg(NO3)2 N= 12 O= 36
3(NH4)3PO4 P= 3 N= 9 H= 36 O= 12

15 Bell work: date: Balance these medium-hard problems.
NH3 + O HNO3 + H20 ZnS + O ZnO + SO2 PH3 + O P2O H2O HBr + H2SO H2O + SO2 + Br2

16 A review:Counting Atoms
H= 4 4NH4Cl NH4Cl H= 16 Cl= 1 Cl= 4 Mg= 1 Mg(NO3)2 Mg= 6 6Mg(NO3)2 N= 2 N= 12 O= 6 O= 36 N= 3 (NH4)3PO4 N= 9 3(NH4)3PO4 H= 12 H= 36 P= 1 P= 3 O= 4 O= 12

17 A review:Counting Atoms
H= 4 4NH4Cl NH4Cl H= 16 Cl= 1 Cl= 4 Mg= 1 Mg(NO3)2 Mg= 6 6Mg(NO3)2 N= 2 N= 12 O= 6 O= 36 N= 3 (NH4)3PO4 N= 9 3(NH4)3PO4 H= 12 H= 36 P= 1 P= 3 O= 4 O= 12

18 Bell work: date: 2) ZnS + O2 ZnO + SO2 3) PH3 + O2 P2O5 + H2O
Balance these medium-hard problems. 1) NH O HNO H20 2) ZnS + O ZnO SO2 3) PH O P2O H2O 4) HBr + H2SO H2O + SO2 + Br2 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 3 2 2

19 Bell work: date: 2) SiO2 + HF SiF4 + H2O 3) CuO + NH3 Cu + N2 + H2O
Warm up !Balance these problems. 1) Al + HCl AlCl3 + H2 2) SiO2 + HF SiF H2O 3) CuO + NH Cu + N2 + H2O 4) HNO H2O + NO2 + O2

20 Balancing Mini 1) CaF2 + H2SO4 CaSO4 + HF 2) KClO3 KCl + O2
3) P2O H2O H3PO4 4) H2S O H2O SO2 5) N2S O N2O SO2 6) C2H6O O CO H2O 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 9 2 6 3 2 6 3 2 4 2 3 6 2

21 Balancing lab activity
1) CH O CO H2O 2 2 Use a pencil or pen for the arrow H O H O O C H + 1 + C O H O 1 H H H O O 2 2 H O 2 H2O are now showing 2 O2 are now showing

22 Bell work: date: 2) TiO + NH3 Ti + N2 + H2O 3) SO2 + HCl SCl4 + H2O
BWarm up II !Balance these problems. 1) Ga + HBr GaBr H2 2) TiO + NH Ti + N2 + H2O 3) SO2 + HCl SCl H2O 4) HNO H2O + NO2 + O2 5) MgS + O MgO SO2 6) P2O H2O H3PO4 7) Al H2SO Al2(SO4) H2 2 2 6 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3

23 Bell work: date: 2) AgNO3+ MgCl2 AgCl+ Mg(NO3)2
BWarm up III !Balance these problems. 1) N2 + H NH3 2) AgNO3+ MgCl AgCl+ Mg(NO3)2 3) BaSe + O BaO SeO2 4) Mg3N H2O Mg(OH)2 + NH3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 6 3 3

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