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Dont just sit there Be prepared for a SAFE EMERGENCY EVACUATION & RELOCATION Mary Griffin Director of Care Services The Whiddon Group Grafton.

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Presentation on theme: "Dont just sit there Be prepared for a SAFE EMERGENCY EVACUATION & RELOCATION Mary Griffin Director of Care Services The Whiddon Group Grafton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dont just sit there Be prepared for a SAFE EMERGENCY EVACUATION & RELOCATION Mary Griffin Director of Care Services The Whiddon Group Grafton


3 We reviewed the Previous Situation We set targets for our new plan We conducted a Risk Analysis We reviewed the needs of clients and staff for an effective evacuation plan We listed our Service Partners and their needs. :

4 A safe, co-ordinated evacuation & relocation process. Threat levels are identified Key processes are designed in response to threat levels Clear roles and responsibilities for staff. An evacuation workforce plan. Detailed service partner agreements with community services and receiving facilities A co-ordinated return process with a clear decision making protocol. An education process to practice all staff in the evacuation plan and in their designated roles.

5 An effective communication plan in place to include all stakeholders ( staff, head office, service partners, residents, relatives). An emergency catering plan Well equipped emergency evacuation kits A considered approach for post incident debriefing and counselling

6 Likelihood Consequence CatastrophicMajorSevereMinorInsignificant Almost certain ABJPS Probable (likely) CDKQT Occasional (possible) EHLRU Uncommon (unlikely) FINVX Remote/rare GMOWY CareBMaintenanceB ClinicalAFinancialP AdministrationJLaundryP CateringJActivitiesS CleaningPHuman resourcesB

7 Reassurance. Calm and supportive staff and leadership. Monitoring of stress levels and reactions. Information on arrangements and evacuation plan Adequate staff to meet their care and clinical needs – in transit and off site Clear instructions from staff Assistance preparing their belongings. Continuity of care and medication Customers needs will differ across the various stages of the evacuation plan, however customers throughout the process are seen to have a need for:

8 Adequate and appropriate transport to suit their mobility needs Adequate care resources such as incontinence products in transit and off site. Care needs met in transit Safe and accessible off site accommodation appropriate to their care needs. The facility prepared for their return Debriefing & counselling as appropriate

9 Health Services Functional Area Coordinator (HSFAC). State Emergency Services (SES) Clarence Valley Council Department of Health & Aging NSW Ambulance NSW Police Pharmacist Receiving facilities Grafton Hospital

10 1 Early warning & monitoring 2 Pre-evacuation 3 Evacuation decision making 4 Client evacuation 5 Facility Security 6 Transport 7 Off-site accommodation 8 Return to facility 9 Post Evacuation care

11 Support Systems A. Staffing B. Catering C. Administration D. Care & Clinical E. Maintenance. F. Cleaning


13 Tune to local radio for news reports Monitor BOM site Keep clients up to date with evolving situation Monitor client and staff stress levels Make evacuation plan readily available to staff Distribute duties list Reassure clients

14 Minor Threat - Maintain client evacuation lists with ambulant, semi ambulant & non ambulant Check clinical information forms Check emergency phones battery and pre-paid credit Access staff list Ready identification bands Prepare bags for residents belongings – do not pack Check evacuation kit Enter family contact numbers into emergency phones Contact families alert to prospect of evacuation Evacuation readiness and preparation at the facility is now determined by the threat level:

15 Moderate Threat Review flood situation (BOM & SES) Alert CEO/Chief Operating Officer Contact receiving facilities Team leaders on standby with task list Monitor staffing levels Relocate clients to family where possible Monitor catering stocks Clients and staff kept informed of developments

16 Major Threat Establish regular contact with HSFAC Maintain contact with service partners Alert Evacuation Team Leaders Brief onsite staff & finalise evacuation staffing plan Call in standby staff & allocate to groups Apply identification to clients

17 Major Threat (cont.) Normal catering stays in place organise travel nourishment and emergency personnel catering Distribute mobile phones to staff Pack clients personal items Clinical information Pack consumables Pads Clinical needs e.g. medication, special treatments Reconstituted foods

18 Instruction from HSFAC to evacuate (Health Service Functional Area Co-ordinator) Inform CEO/Chief Operating Officer Inform DOHA of order to evacuate Toilet clients Pack S8 medication into locked box with drug register and maintain in locked area. Snack food supplied

19 Inform CEO/Chief Operating Officer Inform clients & staff Contact transport & receiving facilities Organise marshalling process Facility maintenance Support for clients and staff on location Maintain contact with families The decision to evacuate is made HSFAC :

20 Check utilities – water, gas and electricity. Disconnect as required Check building for leaks Appoint staff member to lock up facility after evacuation Allocate adequate staff to monitor facility Alert security firm to increase checks especially at night

21 Inform NSW ambulance of number of non-ambulant clients Liaise with council for bus transport to suit mobility needs Catering and care needs met while in transit Allocate staff including RN to travel with clients

22 Staff to remain with clients while off-site If multiple sites DCS or substitute to visit sites regularly Maintain contact with families via SMS Reassure families of clients well being and likely time off site if known Monitor food supplies Monitor care plans

23 Contact CEO/Chief Operating Officer Notify host facilities Organise transport-bus/ambulance Co-ordinate times of departure from host facilities Onsite staff organised, open facility and ready personal areas Clients briefed Families informed Decision to return is made by HSFAC

24 Staged return to allow organised resettlement Extra staff to assist those returning by bus RN to gather documentation from offsite to review if there have been any changes RN to sign in S8 medication Staff assist with returning personal items to cupboards

25 Schedule time for debrief with clients & families Schedule time for debrief with staff Offer counselling to clients Offer counselling to staff Observe clients or staff who may exhibit stress reaction following evacuation Monitor all clients on return for physical reaction to evacuation or risk of falls Debrief with emergency services

26 PositionOffice HolderArea of Responsibility Director of Care ServicesLiaison with Emergency Services Liaison with HSFAC Contact with TWG CEO/COO Coordinates Evacuation if ordered Visits all offsite facilities Deputy of Care ServicesCoordinates routine activity at the facility Assists DCS as required with the evacuation plan Travels with group to Casino Registered NursesContact with families manages the relatives communication plan Travels with group to Coffs Harbour Administration AssistantContact with off duty staff Preparation of pre-evacuation lists and materials Remains at TWG Grafton MaintenancePreparation of the facility for evacuation Supervise cleaning staff Remains at TWG Grafton Catering StaffCatering for clients and emergency personnel Travel to offsite facility – as per roster

27 PositionOffice HolderArea of Responsibility Care StaffContinuity of care routine for clients Reports to RN on duty Travel to offsite facility – as per roster CleaningMaintenance of standards and assist with preparation of building for evacuation and return. Report to Maintenance Officer Remain at TWG Grafton Therapy (Activities)Assist clients to pack bags and prepare for evacuation Supervise laundry staff LaundryAssist clients to pack and prepare for evacuation Report to Activities Officer TWG Head Office CEO Building & Maintenance Catering Manager Payroll Office Provision of support and advice required.

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