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Creative Personal and Reflective Writing

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1 Creative Personal and Reflective Writing
N5 Writing Creative Personal and Reflective Writing

2 What do I have to do? Choose an interesting topic/incident/experience
Include your thoughts and feelings Use a variety of stylistic techniques Try to entertain your reader

3 Choose an interesting topic/incident/experience
Try to be original – avoid clichéd topics Make a short list of 3 or 4– flesh out your ideas for each. Develop your ideas for the one which has the most potential. Make a plan, ensuring you’re not simply retelling the story – consider your thoughts/feelings and reflect

4 Ideas -1 Hobbies/sports and what they mean to you
Sibling rivalry – position in family/only child A narrow escape – what it taught you Your family – or family member and what they mean to you

5 Ideas - 2 Challenges you have faced The passing of time
What really annoys you? A place that means a lot to you Your hero – who do you admire and why Being part of a team

6 Idea - 3 Friends and what they mean to you
Living in – Scotland, Forres, etc. Moving – how you’ve coped A keepsake/favourite possession Choose a photo and reflect on the occasion

7 Ideas - 4 Solitude – why you like/don’t like being alone
Hopes and aspirations Your idiosyncrasies – OCD traits, being late/ early Obsessions – collections, games, etc Technology – how it affects your life

8 Ideas - 5 School – why you love it/hate it
A trip which has had a huge impact on you An achievement – your thoughts and feelings about this Participation in a performance- music, drama, sport

9 Getting started Think of a really effective opening:
Start with a key event and then go back and explain Start with a quotation Start with a definition Open with a description Use unattributed dialogue Make a statement

10 Techniques to include -1
Be selective –pick what you think will interest/ entertain your audience Think about tone – use humour, sarcasm Use parenthesis and/ordash tags to make comments, asides Add description – figurative language, etc Address the reader – use 2nd person: you

11 Techniques - 2 Use a chatty, informal style Use hyperbole/litotes
Use repetition Use a variety of effective short/complex sentences Use of emotive language, word choice

12 Reflection - 1 Ensure you integrate your thoughts and feelings.
Consider how you acted/reacted? Consider how you felt at the time and then with hindsight

13 Reflection – 2 Consider if you made the right choice/decision
Consider what the future holds for you as result Consider what other people thought then and now

14 Reflection - 3 Some helpful phrases: I realise… I now know…
Since this happened… Now that time has passed… Looking back, I now appreciate… I learned so much about…

15 Ending Be sure to think of a good way to end your piece:
Use some of the techniques suggested to start your piece Add a final reflective comment How have you as a person moved on/changed/what have you learned about yourself/others/the world?

16 Finally Give your piece an effective title – try a pun, one word, a question, use alliteration Your piece should be no more than 1000 words – note length at the end Read your piece aloud to someone – were they impressed/ entertained?

17 Before you hand it in Proof read careful to ensure all errors have been eliminated: spelling punctuation paragraphing layout – 12, 1.5 line spacing Can you improve your style, add further techniques, cut out sections, add further reflection?

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