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Brown Bag: Global Resources

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1 Brown Bag: Global Resources
Shari T. Grove Collection Development April 30, 2004

2 Global Resources: Outline
ARL Global Resources Projects GRN Global Resources Network Latin Americanist Research Resources Project Databases with global or international coverage Bibliographic Numeric Statistical Atlases & Maps Images & Multimedia Agency & Organization websites Professional Development ARL ALA IFLA The AAU/ARL Global Resources Network (GRN) has embraced two main goals. GRN will expand access to international resources not currently available to North American students and scholars, in the first instance through discrete projects that focus on significantly expanding the depth, breadth, quantity, range of formats, and variety of international information resources available to our students and scholars. A parallel effort will make our dispersed collections more interdependent and complementary through coordinated acquisitions that are combined with powerful systems for access, discovery, presentation, and delivery. CLIR Council on Library and Information Resources

3 Global Resources: ARL Global Resources Projects
GRN Global Resources Network Latin Americanist Research Resources Project The Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) is an initiative of the Global Resources Program of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Its principal goal is to expand access to Latin American research resources by promoting a distributed model of library cooperation, enhanced electronic access, and effective document delivery. 1. Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC) The Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC) is a searchable Web database that provides access to the tables of contents of more than 800 journals, primarily in the humanities and social sciences, published in Latin America. 2. Latin American Open Archives Portal The goal of this project is to improve access to social sciences grey literature produced in Latin America by research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and peripheral agencies. It encompasses working documents, pre-prints, research papers, statistical documents, and other difficult-to-access materials that are not controlled by commercial publishers. Using the OAI harvesting protocol, the portal service will make these valuable research resources accessible in digital repositories. 3. Presidential Messages The Presidential Messages database contains digital images of presidential speeches since the early 19th century from Mexico and Argentina (over 75,000 pages of speeches). The following pages will allow you to view GIF files of the scanned images as well as download larger TIFF files for printing or to view with a TIFF viewer. The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the U.S. Federal Government.

4 Global Resources: ARL Global Resources Projects
LAPTOP Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents Latin American Open Archives Portal Presidential Messages The Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC) is a searchable Web database that provides access to the tables of contents of more than 800 journals, primarily in the humanities and social sciences, published in Latin America. 1. Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC) 2. Latin American Open Archives Portal The goal of this project is to improve access to social sciences grey literature produced in Latin America by research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and peripheral agencies. It encompasses working documents, pre-prints, research papers, statistical documents, and other difficult-to-access materials that are not controlled by commercial publishers. Using the OAI harvesting protocol, the portal service will make these valuable research resources accessible in digital repositories. 3. Presidential Messages The Presidential Messages database contains digital images of presidential speeches since the early 19th century from Mexico and Argentina (over 75,000 pages of speeches). The following pages will allow you to view GIF files of the scanned images as well as download larger TIFF files for printing or to view with a TIFF viewer.

5 Basic Databases to Search:
Expanded Academic Index PAIS Worldwide Political Science Abstracts World News Connection CIA The World Factbook CIA

6 Global Resources: Types of Resources
Bibliographic Numeric Statistical Agency & Organization Database Atlases & Maps Images & Multimedia

7 Global Resources: Databases with unique features
Wire Services Factiva Lexis Nexis News Wires Non English Language News LANIC ISI Emerging Markets Deutsche Welle

8 Global Resources: Professional Development
American Library Association ALA ACRL Association of College & Research Libraries sections WESS West European Studies Section International Relations Roundtable IRRT IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) The Western European Studies Section (WESS) is part of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. WESS is professionally involved in the acquisition, organization, and use of information sources originating in or related to Western European countries. Our aim is to promote the improvement of library services supporting study and research in Western European affairs from ancient times to the present. IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.

9 IFLA ’03 Berlin IFLA Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB)
Ibero-American Institute Prussian Heritage Foundation Berlin State Library Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation 22. Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB), Library Date: Thursday, 7 August, hrs and hrs Transportation: Public transportation The WZB library is a resource for professionals working and conducting research in the Research Centre. Most of the collection is housed in the eight story "Library Tower" designed by Sir James Stirling. The library collection includes around 130,000 volumes of social, political and economic professional literature with more than 10,000 WZB research publications and 600 current serials. Library services are adjusted to the structure and content of the research conducted at the WZB. The guided tour will focus on library management, specifically the impact of executive and social competencies on the quality of services and the extent of innovative behaviour. 18. Ibero-American Institute – Prussian Heritage Foundation Date: Wednesday, 6 August, hrs (Spanish), Thursday, 7 August, hrs (English), Thursday, 7 August, hrs (Portuguese) Transportation: Public transportation The Ibero-American Institute - Prussian Heritage Foundation, founded in 1930, is a centre of interdisciplinary scientific and cultural exchange focussing on Latin America, Spain and Portugal. With holdings of 800,000 books, 4,500 periodicals, 21,000 audio-media and 66,000 maps, the Institute houses Europe‘s largest library specializing in Ibero-American culture. It is a non-university research centre and is dedicated to enhancing the dialogue between Germany, Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

10 Brown Bag: Global Resources
Shari T. Grove Collection Development April 30, 2004

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