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SAMPLING J.RAJEES Assistant Professor Department Of Commerce Computer Application St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli.

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Presentation on theme: "SAMPLING J.RAJEES Assistant Professor Department Of Commerce Computer Application St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAMPLING J.RAJEES Assistant Professor Department Of Commerce Computer Application St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli

2 SAMPLING Definition : “ a sample is a smaller representation of a larger whole” -Goode and Hatt “samples are devices for learning about large masses by observing a few individuals” Snedecor

3 Why sampling is used Economical Less time consuming Reliability
Detailed study Sampling is a scientific technique Greater suitability

4 Objectives of sampling
To make an inference about an unknown parameter from a measurable sample To test the hypotheses relating to population To avoid the vast study about the entire population To obtain quick result

5 Characteristics of a good sampling
Representativeness Independence Adequacy Homogeneity

6 Steps taken to make the sample useful and reliable
Defining the population Specifying the sampling frame Specifying the sampling unit Specifying the method of sampling Determining the size of sample Specifying the sampling plan Selection of sample

7 Types of sampling methods
Probability sampling (or)random sampling Non probability sapling (or ) non random sampling

8 Probability sampling Random Unrestricted random sampling (or) simple random sampling Lottery method Random number method Restricted random sampling Stratified random sampling Systematic sampling Cluster and area sampling Multi stage sampling Sequential sampling

9 Lottery method Lottery method of sampling refers to the process of drawing a lot among the population or universe. Under this method the required number of samples are selected from the total population by blindfold from the drum or urn.

10 Random number method This method is an alternative to lottery method. Samples are drawn by using the table of random numbers. The random numbers are generally obtained by some mechanism that could be expected in a random sequence of the digits 0 to 9

11 Standard tables of random sample
Tippett’s (1927) random number tables consisting of 41,600 random digits. Fisher and Yates (1938) table of random numbers with 15,000 random digits. Kendal and Babington Smith (1939) table of random numbers consisting of 1,00,000 random digits. C.R.Rao, Mitra and Mathai(1966) table of random numbers.

12 Restricted sampling method
Under this method the size of the population is restricted to normal size on the basis of certain characteristics.

13 Methods of obtaining restricted random sample
Stratified random sampling Systematic sampling Cluster and area sampling Multi stage sampling Sequential sampling

14 Stratified random sampling
Under this method the population is divided in to some groups or classes(stratum) based on their homogeneity and samples are drawn from each stratum at random .

15 Systematic sampling Under this method the universe is arranged on the basis of some systems. (alphabetical , numerical , geographical etc.,) Sampling internal (or) K size of population = size of sample

16 Cluster and area sampling
Cluster sampling refers to the procedure of dividing population into groups called clusters and samples are drawn from these clusters.

17 Multistage sampling Multi stage sampling is a type of sample design in which some information is collected from the whole sample and additional information is also collected from sub sample of the full sample.

18 Sequential sampling Under this method , the size of the sample units is not determined in advance , but fixed according to mathematical decision rules based on the survey. This is usually adopted in case of acceptance sampling plan in context of statistical quality control.

Convenience sampling Judgment (or) purposive sampling Quota sampling

20 Convenience sampling This method also called as chunk method which means to the fraction of population to be invested Eg. Sample obtained from readily available list such as car booking , telephone directories , etc.,

21 Purposive sampling Under this method the samples are drawn on the basis of personal judgment of a person.

22 This method is adopted in the market survey
Quota sampling This method is adopted in the market survey


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