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Power tools for dynamics 365 Admins

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1 Power tools for dynamics 365 Admins
Tyler Sand Ts solutions

2 Introduction 40 minutes – a few of my favorite, my commonly used admin tools for Dynamics 365 All tools are included in Dynamics 365 and/or FREE! Small taste of the admin track from CRMUG Summit! Please ask questions as we go! Tyler Sand TS Solutions Freelance D365/CRM Consultant Scribe Integration MVP

3 Xrmtoolbox User Settings Utility Access Checker
Bulk Workflow Execution FetchXML / View Record Counter Xrmtoolbox Many, many available plug-ins – review list, OOB and store

4 User settings utility

5 What privileges does a specific user have on a specific record
What privileges does a specific user have on a specific record? All security roles considered in whole. Access checker

6 Bulk workflow execution
Must be on-demand Good for bulk updates (with conditional logic), initializing new workflows

7 Fetchxml / view record counter
Really helpful with records

8 Organization insights
User adoption, diagnose errors, use and performance You no longer need to install or update a solution. Instead, you can view Customer Data Service for Apps analytics right from the Power platform Admin center to quickly view adoption ad user metrics for your organization.

9 CRM Diagnostics Bandwidth is the width or capacity of a specific communications channel. Latency is the time required for a signal to travel from one point on a network to another, and is a fixed cost between two points. Bandwidth impacted by too much data transfer over the connection – large file transfers etc. Latency impacted by distance – some connections such as satellite will add over 1000ms latency – China West-to-East routing Recommended latency <150ms

10 Level up for dynamics 365 Great replacement for old CRM DevTools add-on Google Chrome Dozens of tools crm/bjnkkhimoaclnddigpphpgkfgeggokam

11 The list goes on…homework!
Ultimate Workflow Toolkit Storage Analyzer Organization Settings Editor Snapshot CRM Rest Builder (for the developers) Credit to Gus Gonzalez for many of the suggestions on this list!

12 Questions? Tyler Sand TS Solutions

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