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Calendar Math Reminders Language Arts Birthdays Andrew 13th

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1 Calendar Math Reminders Language Arts Birthdays Andrew 13th
We are now working on a letter and a sight word a week. We are learning sounds and blending sounds to make words. Please work on recognizing upper and lowercase letters, as well as their sounds. We began Unit 2 for Readers Workshop. We are “Super Readers”. We are learning new skills to become better readers. In Writers Workshop we are working on List and Labelling. Calendar 11/5/18 and 11/6/18: Half day for students, Parent Teacher Conferences 11.8/18 and 11/9/18: No School 11/21/18: Half day 11/22/18 and 11/23/18: No School Birthdays Andrew 13th Destiny 29th Math We are working on number recognition, counting, and our Math routines. Please have your children count household items and practice recognizing and writing the numbers 1-5. Reminders Book Baggies and Homework Journals are due every Friday.

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