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23/10/14 Openings 3 TP: Good writers review what they have written to improve their work Bell work: Read the extract below. Where is the setting for the.

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Presentation on theme: "23/10/14 Openings 3 TP: Good writers review what they have written to improve their work Bell work: Read the extract below. Where is the setting for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 23/10/14 Openings 3 TP: Good writers review what they have written to improve their work Bell work: Read the extract below. Where is the setting for the story? Give reasons for your answers. The vegetables gleamed under the lighting as special offers swung giddily on their strings from the ceiling. He inched forward, keeping himself well hidden behind the woman whose child rocked in the metal cage provided at the back of the trolley. As they passed the cheese and milk a cool draught caught the back of his neck, sending a shiver down his spine…

2 23/10/14 Openings 4 TP: Good writers review what they have written to improve their work Bell work: Read the extract below. Where is the setting for the story? Give reasons for your answers. The vegetables gleamed under the lighting as special offers swung giddily on their strings from the ceiling. He inched forward, keeping himself well hidden behind the woman whose child rocked in the metal cage provided at the back of the trolley. As they passed the cheese and milk a cool draught caught the back of his neck, sending a shiver down his spine…

3 Why Peer Assess? If done effectively, peer assessment can:
Encourage us to think critically about writing Provide us with valuable feedback Improve the quality of our writing

4 Thinking Point Phrases like “This is excellent” or “It’s bad” aren’t useful to a writer because they aren’t specific enough What types of constructive comments can we make about someone’s work?

5 Paired Work Continue writing the story opening you started yesterday
Remember, do not write a whole story, just the opening!

6 Swap your openings with another pair
Write down two stars (things you liked about the other pair’s opening) and one wish (something they need to improve) Remember to be specific!

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