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Days 7 - 10 UNIT 1 Motion Graphs x t Lyzinski Physics.

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1 Days UNIT 1 Motion Graphs x t Lyzinski Physics

2 Day #7 * a-t graphs * “THE MAP”

3 x-t ‘s x t UNIFORM Velocity Speed increases as slope increases x t
Object at REST x t Moving forward or backward x t x-t ‘s Object Positively Accelerating x t x t Changing Direction x t Object Speeding up Object Negatively Accelerating

4 v-t ‘s UNIFORM Positive (+) Acceleration
Acceleration increases as slope increases v t v t Changing Direction v-t ‘s UNIFORM Velocity (no acceleration) v t v t Object at REST UNIFORM Negative (-) Acceleration

5 a-t ‘s UNIFORM Acceleration a a t t UNIFORM Velocity OR
An Object at REST

6 Slope of the tangent to the curve at a point
Graph Re-Cap Type of graph Slope of a line segment Slope of the tangent to the curve at a point x-t v-t a-t Average velocity Instantaneous Velocity Average acceleration Instantaneous acceleration JERK!!!!!!!!!!! (no jerks on test ) x-t Tells you nothing Area under curve v-t Displacement (Dx) a-t Change in velocity (Dv)

7 a-t graphs Slopes???? No jerks on test  a (m/s2) t (sec) t0 t1
The area under the curve between any two times is the CHANGE in VELOCITY during that time period. No jerks on test 

8 THE MAP!!!! x-t v-t a-t SLOPE AREA Dx Dv “3 towns, 4 roads”

9 Open to in your Unit 1 packet 5
1) 2) a = 6 m/s2 Dv = area = 4 (6) + (2.5 * -9) = 1.5 m/s

10 Open to in your Unit 1 packet 5
3) 4) Dv = area = 2.5 (6) = 15 m/s  Dv = v2 – v1  v1 = (-5) – 15 = -20 m/s Either at rest or at a constant velocity, const + accel, const – accel, non-constant – accel, non-constant + accel


12 Day #9 Drawing Physics Graphs from word-problem scenarios




16 Day #10 Given x-t or v-t graphs, draw the corresponding v-t or x-t (or even a-t) graph.

17 Take out your Green Handout




21 Drawing an x-t from a v-t
Find the area under the curve in each interval to get the displacement in each interval v (km/hr) 4m m m m m 0m m m 8 4 -4 -8 t (hr) Use these displacements (making sure to start at xi, which should be given) to find the pts on the d-t curve x (km) 80 60 40 20 “Connect the dots” and then CHECK IT!!!! t (hr)

22 Drawing a v-t from an x-t
x (yd) Find the slope of each “Non-curved” interval 40 30 20 10 -10 -20 6 yd/min yd/min 0 yd/min t (min) + accel. region (+ slope) v (yd/min) Plot these slopes (which are average velocities) 6 4 2 -2 -4 -6 For curved d-t regions, draw a sloped segment on the v-t t (min) This only works if the accelerations on the x-t graph are assumed to be constant

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