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Addition and Subtraction Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Addition and Subtraction Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addition and Subtraction Strategies

2 Read the information to remind you on addition strategies.
REVISION – show us that you can use the strategies Learning Goals: To select and apply efficient mental and written addition strategies. To use a calculator to check the answers to calculations. To make estimates for these computations. Read the information to remind you on addition strategies. Read each question carefully. Identify the important numbers and important information in the problem. Use the different adding strategies to find the answers. Check your answers using a then traditional method then a calculator. If you made an error, have another go to improve your answer.

3 Addition Strategies 37

4 Addition worded problems (remember to estimate the answer first)
Children are attending an excursion at Melbourne Zoo. 34 children are in Class A and 63 children are in Class B. How many children will be at the zoo altogether? A whole chicken is cooking in the oven. The temperature on the oven is currently at 180°. After 30 minutes it has to be increased by 55°. What will the new temperature be? Jack weighs 45kg and Jono weighs 32kg. They want to go on a fairground ride and the carriage can hold 68kg. Can they go on the same carriage? Three people won a competition (woohoo). Each person won a different amount of money. Emily won $125, Sophie won $65 more than Emily, and Jay won $85 more than Emily. What was their combined winnings?

5 Read the information to remind you on subtraction strategies.
REVISION – show us that you can use the strategies Learning Goals: To select and apply efficient mental and written subtraction strategies. To use a calculator to check the answers to calculations. To make estimates for these computations. Read the information to remind you on subtraction strategies. Read each worded question carefully (some are two-step worded problems so be very careful). Identify the important numbers and important information in the problem. Use the different adding and subtracting strategies to find the answers. Check your answers using a then traditional method then a calculator. If you made an error, have another go to improve your answer.

6 Learning Goals: To select and apply efficient mental and written subtraction strategies. To use appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers. To make estimates for these computations. Number Lines

7 Addition and Subtraction worded problems (remember to estimate the answer first)

8 Finisher - Adding

9 Finisher – Subtraction
How many different ways can you make 65 using subtraction?

10 Finisher Create a Seesaw video to explain how to use one addition strategy and one subtraction strategy.

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