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The City-States of Ancient Mesopotamia and Hammurabi Day 1

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1 The City-States of Ancient Mesopotamia and Hammurabi Day 1

2 2.1 Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia
What is the valley that the ancient Greeks spoke of as the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers? Mesopotamia or the Fertile Crescent

3 Farming could only be done in ancient Mesopotamia when the people controlled the flow of the rivers-irrigation

4 Origins remained a mystery
By 3000 BC they had established a number of independent cities in southern Mesopotamia including: Eridu Ur Uruk These were eventually called City States-basic units of Sumerian civilization

5 Gods, Goddesses, and Rulers
Sumerian cities were surrounded by walls even though little stone or wood was used. What was used instead that are still used today? Gods, Goddesses, and Rulers The most important building in the city would be the Ziggurat. This temple was for the Gods and only Priest and Priestess could enter

6 Society as a whole spent lots of their personal wealth on supporting this facility
The Priest who were affiliated with these temples held the power Sumerians believed that the gods ruled the cities, making the state a theocracy, or a government by divine authority

7 Eventually ruling power passed into the hands of worldly figure or kings.
Sumerians viewed kingship as a divine right…….what does that mean? Kings led armies, ruled territory, supervised in the building of public works, and organized irrigation Gradually the king and his family began to live in lavish homes and palaces

8 Economy and Society Copper, tin, and timber were all traded or exchanged for dried fish, wool, barley, wheat, and metal goods. Sumerians were known for their pottery and woolen textiles Invention of the wheeled cart made trade more accessible

9 Empires In the north were the Akkadians-leader was Sargon-2340 BC
Officially this is the first empire in history 1792 BC city-state south of Akkadia named Babylon which was led by Hammurabi

10 The Code of Hammurabi He is remembered for his law code, a collection of 282 laws System based on a strict code of justice

11 Work on hand out (Pg. 41) and start your unit sheet
Next home work is to read Chapter 2 section 2 or 2.2 in your book…have a great weekend

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