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` Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police on the 2013/14 Annual Report 16th October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "` Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police on the 2013/14 Annual Report 16th October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ` Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police on the 2013/14 Annual Report 16th October 2014

A transformed and accountable Police Service that reflects the values of our developmental State Mission To provide efficient and effective civilian oversight over the SAPS & enhance the role of the Minister of Police. 4/29/2019

3 OVERVIEW Secretariat operated as SAPS cost centre until 31st March formal audited financial statements were not required Key focus was facilitating becoming a designated department Review and formalisation of Budget and Programme Structure to align with National Treasury Guidelines and Framework Key HR policies are in place Secretariat achieved its key targets Community participation in oversight and building partnerships facilitated A dialogue between government and civil society was hosted during women’s month Dialogue on the management of service complaints against the SAPS was hosted with various stakeholders 4/29/2019

4 OBJECTIVES To provide quality, timeous evidence-based strategic research and policy advice to the Minister To develop and contribute to a global view on police practices and methodologies To develop and build strategic partnerships in the fight against crime. To strengthen the national dialogue and relationships on safety and crime prevention To initiate policy driven legislation on policing and security matters To perform any other functions as may be determined by the Minister 4/29/2019

5 LEGISLATIVE MANDATES The Civilian Secretariat for Police derives its primary mandate from the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act, 2011 (Act No. 2 of 2011) The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act, 2011 responds to section 208 of the Constitution which obliges the Minister of Police to establish a civilian secretariat for police that operates directly under the Minister’s direction and authority The Civilian Secretariat for Police Act was put in operation on 1st December 2011 with the exception of becoming a designated department and the Accounting Officer responsibilities 4/29/2019

2013/14 2012/13 Department Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure (Over)/Under Expenditure R'000 Secretariat 84 769 60 978 23 791 59 923 39 915 20 008 Total

Irregular spending in the department accounted for 0.02% of the total budget The irregular spending was due to approval of necessary services being granted after an event was concluded

The purpose of the programme is to provide for the management, leadership and administration of the Civilian Secretariat 2013/14 2012/13 Programme Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure (Over)Under Expenditure R'000 Administration 34 679 26 806 7 873 30 820 13 174 17 646 Total

The purpose of the programme is to manage and encourage national dialogue on community safety and crime prevention. 2013/14 2012/13 Programme Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure (Over)/Under Expenditure R'000 Partnerships 16 495 10 450 6 045 10 593 8 780 1 813 Total

10 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Relationships were established with stakeholders on crime prevention and safety programmes The functionality of the CSF’s were assessed The number of public participation engagements were exceeded A CPF training manual was produced

11 DEVIATIONS & COMMENTS Of the initial target of 18 CSF’s, 30 were established- the deviation was due to the increased prioritisation within municipalities The number of public participation engagements were exceeded due to community demands

The purpose of the programme is to provide policy advice and research services to the Secretary of Police 2013/14 2012/13 Programme Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure (Over)/Under Expenditure R'000 Policy & Research 9 577 8 270 1 307 6 934 4 184 2 750 Total

13 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS The 1998 White Paper on Safety & Security was split and a Green Paper on Policing was developed This was followed by provincial and public consultations The White Paper on the Police has been finalised Diagnostic assessment was conducted on existing government & civil society anti-gang strategy in provinces Policy developed on Improving the Quality & Functioning of the SAPS Detective Service

14 DEVIATIONS & COMMENTS The Draft White Paper on Safety & Security was not achieved due to redirection of focus on drafting the Green Paper on Policing

The purpose of this programme is to provide legislative support services to the Secretary of Police 2013/14 2012/13 Programme Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure (Over)/Under Expenditure R'000 Legislation 5 278 3 293 1 985 1 380 923 457 Total

16 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Bill passed by parliament Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill (“DNA”) passed by parliament Dangerous Weapons Bill passed by parliament DPCI Policy on Selection of Priority Offences approved by parliament. Proclamations on designating the Secretariat as a department published in the Government Gazette

17 DEVIATIONS & COMMENTS Review of SAPS Act for alignment with the Constitution was put on hold pending the finalisation of the White Paper on Policing Regulations under Firearms Control Amendment Act not drafted due to challenges identified with certain provisions in this Act Draft Regulations on the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act have been drafted but not promulgated

The purpose of this programme is to provide oversight of the SAPS through efficient & effective monitoring & evaluation. 2013/14 2012/13 Programme Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure (Over)/Under Expenditure R'000 Monitoring & Evaluation 18 740 12 159 6 581 10 196 12 854 (2 658) Total

19 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS A draft Oversight Monitoring and Evaluation Framework was developed and finalised after consultation with provinces Conducted oversight visits in total. This is a 48% increase when comparing with the 826 achieved in previous financial year Conducted an evaluation of Resolving of Crime (ROC) Learning Programme Phase One of IMS was developed

20 DEVIATIONS & COMMENTS Percentages of audited disciplinary outcomes were exceeded

The greatest priority of the Secretariat was to align the structure to the needs of the organisation. This process is still underway Secretariat prioritised its human resources to enforce compliance to prescripts and newly developed policies A learning committee on training and development was established, in which all stakeholders are represented Workshops on Code of Conduct were conducted to orientate employees about the Secretariat A HR Plan was developed and submissions made to inform the filling of posts Crafted performance management development system (PMDS) together with its policy in line with the provisions of the Public Service Act and Regulations


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