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Hospital Preparedness Program

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1 Hospital Preparedness Program
Healthcare Coalitions Carolyn Elswick, PhD Healthcare System Preparedness Director Center for Threat Preparedness Emergency Preparedness Taskforce Meeting Charleston, West Virginia March 8, 2019

2 Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)
West Virginia uses HPP funds to further its robust emergency preparedness and response platform to protect roughly 1.8 million citizens HPP funding: 39% decrease since 2013 West Virginia currently has seven highly integrated and functional healthcare coalitions (HCCs), all of which have formal governance structures

3 Existing Healthcare Preparedness Activities
Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Development of healthcare coalitions Two or more hospitals Public health Emergency management organizations Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Healthcare Preparedness and Response Capabilities Foundation for healthcare and medical readiness Healthcare and medical response coordination Continuity of healthcare service delivery Medical surge

4 Critical Role of HCCs Republican National Convention Hurricane Harvey Amtrak Cascades Derailment Northeast Ohio Regional HCC Coordinated surge support with 27 medical facilities Regularly surveyed Healthcare facilities to ensure inventories of specialized equipment, contact information, blood inventories, and bed availability were up-to-date in preparation for over 20,000 Convention visitors SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council (SETRAC) HCC Coordinated effectively across Houston’s Healthcare system using emergency management systems and communication Operated catastrophic medical operations center to manage safe hospital evacuations and patient transfers Washington State’s Northwest Healthcare Response Network HCC activated the HPP-funded patient tracking system within an hour of the event, facilitating the distribution of 70 patients to nine hospitals across two counties Reconciled Amtrak’s passenger manifest with the patient tracking system within 24 hours Success stories are accessible on the HPP homepage:

5 2019 World Scout Jamboree 24th World Scout Jamboree
July 22 – August 2, 2019 Summit Bechtel Reserve in Glen Jean, West Virginia Expecting 45,000 Scouts and Scouters from more than 165 countries Day Visitor passes (Bechtel Summit website) Planning is underway by DHHR – coordinated by the West Virginia Center for Threat Preparedness DHHR Health Command activation It is expected that all of West Virginia’s HCCs will be response-ready for medical surge or evacuation events, especially HCC Regions 1, 3, and 4 due to proximity

6 SMARTT to Continuum Transition
State Medical Asset Resource Tracking Tool (SMARTT) to Continuum Transition Minimal changes to bed tracking section Pharmacy section Drug shortages Training dates to be determined

7 HPP-PHEP Grants Management Transition
ASPR is in the process of assuming responsibility for the grants management functions for HPP; transition takes effect July 2019. This does not change HPP-PHEP programmatic alignment. Improved customer service for awardees is the primary goal of this transition ASPR grants specialists will focus their attention on HPP cooperative agreement administration and will respond to any issues that may arise Likewise, the CDC grants team can focus attention on the administration of the PHEP cooperative agreements

8 Changes The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) has presented several required changes for the grant period. All HCC inpatient facilities must demonstrate existing transfer agreement specifically to the following specialty care centers: Pediatric Centers Trauma and Burn Centers  Integrate with Regional Pilot Programs: For those jurisdictions in which a Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) state level or regional entity has been identified. HCCs must integrate their planning, training, exercising, response, evaluation, and situational awareness activities.

9 Specialty Surge Annexes
Awardees and HCCs will develop complementary state and coalition-lead annexes to their base surge capacity/trauma mass casualty response plan to manage a large number of casualties with specific needs. Five annexes will be developed and tested over the course of five years: Pediatric     FY2019 Burn     FY2020 Infectious Disease     FY2021 Radiation     FY2022 Chemical     FY2023

10 HCC Surge Estimator Tool
HCCs must complete the HCC Surge Estimator Tool to support coalitions in determining surge capacity. Three distinct variables drive rapid development of surge capacity and vary significantly among hospitals. Use of all available staffed beds, including closed units that could be rapidly reopened with appropriate staff but are otherwise equipped and appropriate for inpatient care. Use of pre-induction, post anesthesia, and procedural area beds that can be used for temporary inpatient care, usually at an intermediate care (telemetry) or higher level. Ability to generate space or reduce the number of patients by early discharge of appropriate current inpatients to support surge.

11 HCC Restructuring ASPR indicates that:
All HCCs must designate a lead or co-lead hospital or healthcare organization All HCCs should fund at least 1.0 FTEs to support the following role requirements: Clinical Advisor to provide clinical guidance and coordination pertaining to acute medical surge readiness and response for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Emergency (CBRNE) and trauma, burn, and pediatric emergencies. Individual must be: From the lead or co-lead hospital or health organization Clinically active HCC Readiness and Response Coordinator to oversee planning, exercising, operational readiness, financial sustainability, and evaluation of the HCC.

12 New Funding Formula Funding Formula
Base Amount – $500,000 (states and cities) Population – awardee’s population proportion – U.S. Census Risk – Threats and Hazards Terrorism Natural disasters Naturally occurring events HAZMAT releases Vulnerabilities Capacity for providing care Capacity to surge beds Vulnerable populations Access to care Specialty care Consequence Human Impact: the number of people that have been/can be affected by a specific threat/hazard event type. Potential Event Intensity: an index used to capture the potential for specific threat/hazard events to cause catastrophic damage. ASPR 2018

13 Center for Threat Preparedness Updates
Hepatitis A Response and Vaccines Reimbursement of Cost to Scheduling of Payments Outcome of Partnership for Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) Competitive Cooperative Agreement Application Opioid Grants and Activities LiveProcess Expansion to include Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Component and Expanded Membership Statewide HPP-PHEP Joint HCC Partners Collaboration Meeting Exercises and Trainings

14 CTP Staff CTP Staff: Donnie Haynes, Director Teri Surface, Office Manager Pamela Aultz, Office Assistant III Kristi George, Risk Communications Officer Dianna Gertz, Health Alert Network Coordinator Scott Eubank, Emergency Planner Tony Leach, Volunteer Management and Responder Safety Consultant Linda Lipscomb, PHEP Grants Manager CDC Public Health Associates: Arielle Lippman, CDC Field Assignee Tamara Surtees, CDC Public Health Associate Program Caitlin Cohn, CDC Public Health Associate Program Vacancies: Exercise Coordinator Deputy Director

15 Thank You Thank you for your time today and all of the work that you do to support the efforts of the ASPR-HPP and the State of West Virginia to create a safe and healthy environment for our citizens. Through our collaborative efforts, we have a response ready healthcare system preparedness program spanning the state that takes action during times of disaster.

16 Contact Carolyn Elswick, PhD Healthcare System Preparedness Director West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Public Health Center for Threat Preparedness 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200 Charleston, West Virginia (304) (304)

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