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Do Now: Who was Aeneas. What was his great mission

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1 Aim: What life lessons can we learn from the myth of Romulus and Remus?
Do Now: Who was Aeneas? What was his great mission? HW: Vocabulary Quiz Thursday LHS Meeting Thursday at 2:30 in Room 202

2 When Aeneas married Lavinia, he became king of Alba Longa

3 Numitor, a descendant of Aeneas, also became king

4 Numitor was usurped by his younger brother Amulius

5 Amulius forced Numitor’s daughter to become a Vestal Virgin
Who were the Vestal Virgins? What was their job? Why would this be in Amulius’s interest?

6 Rhea Silvia became pregnant

7 Amulius ordered the death of the twin boys: Romulus and Remus
Instead of killing them himself, he ordered a servant to throw them into the Tiber river

8 Doesn’t the name Remus sound familiar?

9 The servant took pity on the boys
He placed them in a basket onto the Tiber River The river god Tibernus calmed the river and caused the basket to catch in the roots of a fig tree The tree was located at the base of the Palatine Hill

10 A she-wolf discovered the boys and offered them her milk
Hmm what do wolves and Remus Lupin have in common?

11 The boys were soon discovered and adopted by a shepherd and his wife
The boys grew up to become shepherds, unaware of their royalty

12 One day the boys encountered a bunch of King Amulius’s shepherds
Remus was taken before King Amulius as prisoner

13 King Amulius, believing Romulus and Remus to be dead, did not recognize them

14 Romulus freed his brother, killed Amulius and restored Numitor to the throne
The boys set out to found their own city

15 As often happens with siblings, they just can’t agree…
Romulus- wanted to found the city on the Palatine Hill Remus- wanted to found the city on the Aventine Hill

16 Time to ask the birds

17 More disagreement… Romulus claimed to have seen 12 birds
Remus claimed that he saw only 6 birds but that his birds appeared first

18 Romulus began building a wall around his hill
To anger his brother, Remus jumped over Romulus’s wall This led to Remus’s death

19 Rome was founded on April 21st 753 BCE
Romulus was the first king of Rome, beginning the Roman Monarchy

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