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Make 5W revision cards of some or all of the following events for Russia 1900 - 1917. BIG QUESTION: Why did the Tsar lose power? ‘Backwards’ Russia Autocracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Make 5W revision cards of some or all of the following events for Russia 1900 - 1917. BIG QUESTION: Why did the Tsar lose power? ‘Backwards’ Russia Autocracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make 5W revision cards of some or all of the following events for Russia BIG QUESTION: Why did the Tsar lose power? ‘Backwards’ Russia Autocracy Bloody Sunday 1905 Revolution Russo-Japanese War October Manifesto Fundamental Laws Impact of Stolypin The Duma Impact of Rasputin Impact of WWI Tsar’s Abdication Event: Name/Issue? When: Date? Who: Names of key groups or individuals involved. What: Description of what happened/key details. Why: Explain why this event happened or why it was important/significant i.e How did it contribute to the fall of Tsarism?

2 Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important?

3 Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important?

4 Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important? Event: When? Where? Who was involved? What Happened? Why did it happen? Why was it important?

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