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Warm Up Fill in <, > or =. -9 -10 2 + 4 9 – 3 5 + 4 -6 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Fill in <, > or =. -9 -10 2 + 4 9 – 3 5 + 4 -6 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Fill in <, > or =. – 3

2 Goal: The learner will solve inequalities.
Lesson 3.4 Goal: The learner will solve inequalities.

3 Inequality It shows the relationship when two values are not always equal. There isn’t always just one answer, but many.

4 Solution of an Inequality
All the numbers that make the statement true. Example: x > 4 x < -3 x ≤ 5 x ≥ -2 When there is a line under the symbol, fill the dot!

5 What’s the inequality?

6 You Graph It. The freezing point of water is 0˚C. At temperatures at or below the freezing point, water is solid. Write an inequality that gives the temperatures at which water is solid. Graph it. Inequality: Graph:

7 Write the Inequality The greatest weight that a forklift can raise is 2500 pounds. The speed limit is 55 miles per hour.

8 Solving the Inequality
Get the variable ALONE! Works almost like an equation, except there are many answers. m + 5 ≥ 10

9 Some More -10 > x -12, solve and graph n + 7 ≥ 3, solve and graph
If the variable is not on the left, write it so it is. -10 > x -12, solve and graph n + 7 ≥ 3, solve and graph

10 Not a word problem! Yup, it’s happening.
Triathlon Times Event Time ( min) Swimming 17 Biking 45 Running ? You are competing in a triathlon. Last year, you finished the triathlon in 85 minutes. The table shows your times for the first two this year. What possible times can you post in the running event and still beat last year’s finishing time?

11 Assignment P.141 #14-20, evens, 38

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