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Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages My name is Yogi Schulz It’s great to be back here in Kananaskis with all of you and with the P2ES staff Thank you Mike and Peter for inviting me to speak today My topic today is Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages Most oil & gas producers operate lots of software Unfortunately, oil & gas producers as well as organizations in other industries, use only a fraction of the functionality they’ve paid for P2ES - Kananaskis Presenter: Yogi Schulz Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

2 Yogi Schulz Biography Partner in Corvelle Consulting
5/1/2019 Yogi Schulz Biography Partner in Corvelle Consulting Information technology related management consulting Microsoft Canada columnist & CBC Radio host PPDM Association board member Industry presenter: Project World - 5 years CIPS Informatics - 7 years Convergence - 4 years PPDM Association - several years Who am I? I’m a partner in Corvelle Consulting We offer information technology related management consulting We have executed many project management and systems development assignments for our clients Many of our clients operate in the upstream oil & gas industry We’ve appreciated the opportunity to work with some of you here today I have written many columns for Computing Canada. These columns have tended to focus on project management and systems development themes. The audience is composed largely of IT executives and managers For four years I wrote a column in the Calgary Herald Two years ago, I began to write columns for the Microsoft web site. These columns have tended to describe useful responses to IT developments for a general audience of business managers I’ve participated in many industry conferences as a presenter: Project World - 5 years CIPS Informatics - 7 years PMI - Information Systems SIG – 2 years Convergence - 4 years Professional Petroleum Data Management Association - PPDM Association - several years Qbyte Kananaskis – 10+ years Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

3 Presentation Outline Increasing Benefits
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Presentation Outline Increasing Benefits Opportunities in P2ES software packages Recommendations The objectives for my presentation today are: to understand strategies for increasing benefits from our investments in software packages to identify tactical initiatives for maximizing business benefits you can apply immediately First we’ll drill into Increasing Benefits from Software Packages using a 5-part framework Opportunities to increase benefits you receive from P2ES software packages Then we’ll examine each of the major P2ES software packages We’ll focus in on some under-used functionality; then you can determine if it might have wider applicability within your company Recommendations I’ll close with a few recommendations Throughout my remarks, I’m keen to describe valuable ideas that will help us to improve the value we’re achieving from the software package functionality and the data that we’re using Feel free to jump in with a comment at any time; that’s always better than waiting to the end Just don’t throw anything Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

4 Software Package Increasing Benefits
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Software Package Increasing Benefits Align with Business and IT Strategy Software Package Increasing Benefits The guy in this cartoon is already focused on tomorrow afternoon’s activities But really, the point of this cartoon is that increasing benefits of software packages requires the same focus many golfers apply to putting Install Software First we need to install the software. This may sound obvious but, surprisingly,some of us license software and then never manage to install it. I’m not going to ask for a show of hands For example, in the real estate industry, as much as 25% of the software acquired by individual realtors is never actually installed on their workstations. How many of us are paying for seats no one is using? Failed software installations are examples of negative benefits (invested a lot of time, money and energy for no benefit). Establish Data Custodianship Data custodianship is about managing the values in buckets for accuracy and completeness; How often do we look at a screen or a report and immediately spot an error in the data? This step is often ignored or jumped over in many implementations in the eagerness or under the pressure to push the project forward. For example, someone should establish naming standards and monitor how UWI’s will be entered in the system. Typically, data cleanup should be part of the implementation project scope Good data custodianship is the basis for effective reports that don’t have to be massaged prior to presentation and is the basis for integration How many of us export data from P2ES software packages, make various changes and then show the result to management? Is this task about presentation or is it really a cover up of embarrassing data issues? Plan & Manage Implementation Enterprise software packages, including the P2ES software packages, need to be consciously implemented; you can’t just type install and think you’re done; How often have we short-changed the implementation and lived with the resulting irritation for many years? Implementation works better with a plan than if we simply wade in and start the work. For example, appointing a project manager with the time/capacity/experience to manage the implementation and supporting that person with the required staff will shorten the implementation project and accelerate achievement of benefits. A common problem is insufficient staff assigned to the implementation; that results in nasty shortcuts that produce long-term pain. Enhance for Integration integration is about keeping data in sync across applications; How many times have we retyped the data from one software package to another; How often have we made mistakes doing this? Many of the business benefits we want to achieve are dependent on effective integration among software packages For example, useful management reports about performance and trends in oil & gas companies demand the integration of financial, land, engineering and even external data Align with Business and IT Strategy alignment is about making sure we’re using software packages to support the business; not the other way around; How often have we said we can’t produce the data in a way that supports our new business strategy? To maximize business benefits, the usage of our software packages must align with our business strategy. For example, if our oil & gas company is exploration focused, then our data capture and reporting should align with finding costs and unexplored acreage to support this business strategy Alternatively, if our oil & gas company is production focused, then our data capture and reporting should align with operating costs and production volume efficiency to support this business strategy Now I’ll take us through a more detailed discussion of each of these steps and show how they lead to increasing the benefits we can derive from our software package investment I n c r e a s i g B e n f i t s Enhance for Integration Plan & Manage Implementation Establish Data Custodianship Install Software Improving Software Package Environment Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

5 Makes software package usable
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Install Software Test software package: install end-user component on test workstations install server component on test server load initial test data verify operation of software train key end-users Repeat process for production use Install Software Installing major software packages that provide functionality and benefits to many end-user, is more involved than simply tearing the shrink wrap off a box, inserting a CD and typing: setup Test software package: install end-user component on test workstations install server component on test server load initial test data verify operation of software train key end-users who will become your super users Ensures all the components are there and you know how to install it Initial testing provides the following benefits: Establishes a sense of software robustness Builds understanding of installation issues on both servers and workstations Builds understanding of operational requirements Provides first look at likely data conversion issues Provides first insights into likely end-user training effort Repeat process for production use Production install provides the following benefits: Ensures production environment is in fact ready for routine use Provides insight into capacity requirements for server and network Enables major project work such as data conversion, business process revisions, end-user training Dysfunctional short-cuts, that some organizations take, that cause grief once the system is supposed to be truly in production include: Skip the test install; install directly into production; meets schedule and cost pressure; addresses resource shortages Don’t bother to verify the production install; assume that all the bugs were worked out in the test install Overall, these installation tasks are intended to make the software package usable for our company An important benefit is to ensure that the end-users have a positive initial experience that will build momentum toward adoption of the system Makes software package usable Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

6 Establish Data Custodianship
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Establish Data Custodianship Define data custodian role Establish data quality standards Train in data management practices Support data quality Establish Data Custodianship Establishing data custodianship is a task that is much neglected to the detriment of maximizing benefits from software packages. Usually this neglect occurs because it appears to be a boring task or one that’s difficult to see a benefit case for doing. The benefit is significant because data custodianship provides confidence that reports and graphs are accurate and can be relied upon for decision-making Define data custodian role: scope. For example, will the scope of the data custodian reach beyond administrative applications into the world of exploration? role. For example, will the data custodian role encompass policy and training? interaction with end-users. For example, will the data custodian approve data changes or simply advise others? Will the data custodian lead a cleanup to clean up the data problems of the past? Establish data quality standards For example, establish standards for managing UWI, cost centers, seismic & cross-section interpretations and data retention. Train end-users in data management practices For example, will we publish a reference guide, hold some orientation? Support end-users to increase data quality And will we reward and punish various behaviors that increase or decrease data quality? The benefits that can be derived from this data custodianship work include: enhancing confidence in the accuracy and completeness of values shown on reports and tables enabling integration improving quality of trend and variance reporting and analysis simplifying data preparation for acquisition and divestment ensuring asset exploitation is on target The supporting examples largely illustrate the avoidance of data quality embarrassments including: (Don’t put your hand up if you’ve experienced these examples) Restatement of reserves Embarrassing notes that accompany the financial statements Producing wells not shown on parcels offered for sale Acreage reports that include surrendered lands Over/understatement of finding costs The overall objective of data custodianship is to increase the quality of our data so that we can increase the value we can derive from the investment we’re making in data. Enables data quality improvement Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

7 Plan Implementation Project
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Plan Implementation Project Determine project sponsor & steering committee membership Assign project manager & team members Write project statement Build project plan including schedule, resources & budget Plan implementation project. Major tasks include : Determine project sponsor & steering committee membership The project sponsor & steering committee provide important leadership to the project by championing the benefits within the organization If no one is willing to accept these roles, then organizational readiness for the software package or the need for the software package are in serious doubt Assign project manager & team members Assigning a project manager & team members ensure that the project is adequately resourced for success If no one with sufficient business experience is available to fulfill the role of business analyst, then the project is doomed to failure Write the project statement The project statement helps to achieve organizational consensus about the goals, characteristics and benefits of the project Without a project statement, it’s less clear what’s in scope and what’s out of scope Build project plan including budget, schedule & resources The project plan describes resource requirements that the organization must bring to the table to achieve project success No plan makes it difficult to know what the organization commitment to the projects needs to be The benefits of planning the implementation of a software package with some amount of formality and discipline include: Ensuring resource requirements are understood Positioning the implementation to maximize benefits to the organization Example benefits planning include: Reducing/minimizing the disruption the implementation of a software package will produce Helping project team and end-users understand their roles leading to improved individual performance Ensuring risks and issues are recognized so that mitigations can be built into the project plan Overall, the value of a software package implementation plan is to better understand the requirements of a successful implementation. Positions project for successful implementation Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

8 Execute Implementation Project
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Execute Implementation Project Upgrade computing environment Establish support infrastructure Train end-users Communicate status and issues Convert data Deploy new application Execute implementation project. Major tasks include: Upgrade computing environment Almost every new software package triggers a server upgrade and an expansion of storage Establish support infrastructure and operating framework Someone has to operate the new system; help them prepare to do a good job Train end-users Don’t just point end-users to the help system and say: Have Nice Day Communicate status and issues regularly Keep stakeholders informed; if you don’t communicate issues and expect a response, the issues will fester and may undermine or kill your project Convert data Converting data is a minefield; legacy data is always dirtier and less integratable than we expect; budget more resources Deploy new application Don’t just let the new system just leak out through a simple announcement on the Intranet The benefits of executing the implementation of a software package with some amount of formality and discipline: Ensure achievement of promised benefits Produce a major contribution to risk reduction Example benefits of good project execution include: Building commitment to the new system by communicating what’s happening to the stakeholder community Minimizing elapsed time of implementation leading to an acceleration of benefits Ensuring risks and issues are addressed expeditiously before they fester causing delays, cost over-runs and a reduction of benefits Overall, the value of a smooth software package implementation is to contain the cost of the implementation and to make the benefits of the software package available earlier in time Positions software package for successful use Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

9 Enhance for Integration
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Enhance for Integration Identify cross-functional data sharing opportunities Establish strategy for consolidating data Enhance software packages Optimize monthly processing schedule Enhance data management practices Enhance use of the software package for integration Many customers do not turn on all the available integration they’ve paid for. The impediments include lack of awareness, lack of perceived benefit, no staff available to implement. One impediment no one likes to talk about is that integration will make one group’s data quality lapses visible to other groups. Where do we start? Identify cross-functional data sharing opportunities Land should receive attention because that’s where a lot of important data like DOI, lease numbers and contract numbers begin life. The explorationists tend to be the ones who first create UWI’s. Engineers start gathering systems, batteries and plants. Establish strategy for consolidating data: eliminate overlaps. For example, try to synchronize DOI’s between PA and Land. reduce duplication. For example, try to reduce the number of well information data stores. Enhance software packages and related systems: data export. Produce a set of data export queries to ensure more consistency in results. data retrieval. Simplify data retrieval through a product like Petro-Lab. Optimize the monthly processing schedule. Can you tune your monthly schedule to make better information available. What’s the optimum trade-off between your close day and the use of estimates? Enhance data management practices. View data as an asset that enhances the value of your company. Overall, the value of enhanced integration is to enable data sharing. The value of data sharing is: reduced data maintenance. For example, It sure is tedious to enter all these vendor and cost center codes over and over again. reduced misunderstanding. For example, Oh, I thought you were referring to another seismic line. enhanced consistency of communication. For example, Which well or cost center are you talking about? enhanced accuracy and reliability. For example, I can defend this well list and its accompanying reserves valuation as accurate to the SEC or anyone else who wants to challenge us. Enables data sharing Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

10 Align with Business and IT Strategy
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Align with Business and IT Strategy Evolve software package Manage business process change impacts Migrate operating framework to use key technology components Align with Business and IT Strategy The last step along the path to maximizing benefits from our investment in software packages is to align the software package with the business and IT strategies Evolve software package as: new releases become available. For example, software package vendors, P2ES included, release new versions that incorporate new features; many of which offer worthwhile benefits as well as eradicating some irritating bugs. business requirements change. For example, IFRS requires changes to transaction coding and to reporting; Occasionally, the ERCB changes requirements that affect field operations and production accounting technology changes. For example, Web technology such as portals and application servers simplify data distribution and sharing. Manage business process change impacts For example, a new parent company, conversion from a royalty trust or a facility like the Petroleum Registry tend to produce business process changes that need to be addressed. Sometimes we just gloss over a change with a new outboard spreadsheet and leave the business process pretty much intact. That approach produces a short term savings for long-term continuing pain and cost. Instead, we should be thinking about revising financial coding rules and reporting designs. Migrate operating framework to use key technology components: database management system. For example, if your still using Oracle 8 or 9, you’re missing out on functionality and stability benefits. database structures & naming. Perhaps rolling out PPDM more widely within your organization will improve data integration and data management. operating systems. For example, if your still using Windows 2000, you’re missing out on functionality and stability benefits. Hardware. New AS400’s or Intel servers are faster and cheaper than older ones. Overall, the objective is ensure that software packages and their use maximize benefits in support of the business strategy. Too often, staff have to fight with the functionality and the data to produce reports that help management understand how well or how poorly the oil & gas company is being operated in alignment with the stated business strategy. Supports the business strategy Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

11 Attention maximizes business benefits
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Summary Install Software Establish Data Custodianship Plan & Manage Implementation Enhance for Integration Align with Business and IT Strategy What have we discussed so far today? How do we increase benefits: Install Software - Testing a software package before production rollout will ensure the implementation team knows enough make the rollout a success. Establish Data Custodianship - Taking steps to improve data quality will increase confidence in the reports and graphs. Plan & Manage Implementation - Pro-actively managing the implementation produces benefits by reducing implementation costs and by accelerating the start of benefits. Enhance for Integration - The value of enhanced integration is to enable data sharing. Data sharing tends to reduce operating costs and improve asset management Align with Business and IT Strategy - Software packages that are operated in alignment with business strategy produce benefits for the business strategy. Overall, what I’ve tried to achieve through this presentation today is to: Suggest areas of opportunity to achieve further benefits from the investment in software you’ve already made. Communicate my belief that a little management attention to this topic of maximizing benefits will in fact produce a return for oil & gas companies. Attention maximizes business benefits Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

12 Opportunities in P2ES software packages
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Opportunities in P2ES software packages Assess opportunities to maximize business benefits from your investment in P2ES software packages Opportunities in P2ES software packages Assess opportunities to maximize business benefits from your investment in P2ES software packages Let’s work through the assessment question on the following pages The goal is for you to identify at least one opportunity for further consideration when you return to your office The benefits of pursuing better use of the available functionality include: Annihilating various spreadsheets operators now use because these increase effort and reduce data quality Improving data consistency that leads to higher reliability of reports Containing operating costs through improved effectiveness Consider the assessment questions on the following pages Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

13 Financial Management IFRS processing Excel integration
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Financial Management IFRS processing Excel integration Optics reporting/query application Master file integration Financial budgeting Attach documents Job scheduling Under-used feature Yes No P2ES Financial Management Here is a list of existing FM features that your organization can make more use of today For each line, ask yourself: Is there an opportunity for us to make more use of this functionality? Yes means it’s worth thinking about it some more when you return to the office No means that you’re using the functionality extensively already or that it is not applicable to your company IFRS processing provides support for: WIP DD&A Reserves import Cash generating unit Comparative reporting between Canadian GAAP and IFRS Excel integration Qbyte has expanded the ability to download reports as Excel files for further manipulation Simplifies the export of data to Excel without a lot of massaging in Excel before the data is useful Optics reporting/query application Create ad hoc report Display results to screen before printing Benefits are ease-of-use, lots of record selection and data display flexibility Master file integration use of a single set of Master file values across all software packages Reduces reporting anomalies and reconciliation effort Financial budgeting Excel upload Supports budget scenario development Simplifies comparative reporting Attach documents This is a newer feature that allows you to attach supporting documents to transactions Provides the context, that is often lost, for the change that was made Job scheduling stream jobs with parameters Simplifies operation; eliminates forgetting which parameters go with which job Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

14 Land Management Accounting change notifications Query capability
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Land Management Accounting change notifications Query capability Petro-Lab query & mapping Excel integration Add Reference documents Land to Petro-Lab integration Projects to update data Under-used feature Yes No P2ES Land Here is a list of existing Land features that your organization can make more use of today Accounting change notifications Production and Financial accountants can run a report of land changes during a specified period Query capability strong capability to select columns; no join required, data appears flat as if it was stored in a single giant table Cross-module capability not recognized by some clients one-button push to Excel Petro-Lab query & mapping Petro-Lab makes spatial queries easy for public data; spatial means restricting a query to an specific area Petro-Lab creates various maps quickly and easily Excel integration Simplifies the export of data to Excel without a lot of massaging in Excel before the data is useful Add Reference documents This is a new feature that allows you to attach supporting documents to leases and contracts Provides the context, that is often lost, for the change that was made Land to Petro-Lab integration Internal or proprietary land data can be easily accessed by Petro-Lab so that it’s available for queries and display on maps Medium; most clients use it - Projects to update data Associate leases with projects to simplify making the changes associated with acquisitions and divestitures or take-overs Low; most clients use it - Invoicing for third party agreements Simplifies the creation of monthly invoices for allowable charges under third party agreements Low; most clients use it - Single update of assignment interests Manages interests globally; rather than on a lease-by-lease basis Off; not available - Copy of data from lease to lease Reduces data entry effort Improves consistency, reduces keying errors Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

15 PRISM Facility charges/Deductions Input and export interfaces
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 PRISM Facility charges/Deductions Input and export interfaces Market master FM Master file integration Sophisticated DOI processing FM interface sophistication ERCB Directive 60 support Under-used feature Yes No P2ES PRISM Here is a list of existing PRISM PA features that your organization can make more use of today Facility charges/Deductions Creates entries for charges including overhead, processing, gathering, compression Greatly reduces effort for handling the invoicing that arises from various agreements Input interfaces Field data gathering from PVR, FieldView Gas analysis from ProTrend Volumes and GJ’s for non-op properties from the Registry Greatly improves data consistency and quality across systems Export interfaces JIBLink for freehold and override royalties Simplifies process of making data available to partners Market master I know market masters is a controversial topics; many PA’s struggle with this feature I believe that a small amount of learning effort to better understand the sophisticated features of market masters can provide lasting benefits For example, setting up disposition information once and not re-keying it each month FM Master file integration use of a single set of Master file values shared with FM Reduces reporting anomalies and reconciliation effort Sophisticated DOI processing Can handle various exceptions without creating yet another set of DOI’s to manage For example, situations where one partner takes volumes in kind or where one partner’s participation in various categories of costs is different FM interface sophistication The flexibility to manage exceptions in what is booked and where it is booked For example, transactions including your company’s share of income/fees and how you handle load oil or royalty in kind entries Without the flexibility of the PRISM Entry and Account Definitions for the financial interface, you might need to create manual or reversing entries in FM ERCB Directive 60 support PRISM can handle reporting of fuel, flare, vent and greenhouse gases as required under Directive 060 The benefit is a higher level of assurance over compliance with ERCB measurement and reporting requirements Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

16 Conclusions Software package benefits can be increased
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Conclusions Software package benefits can be increased Benefits can be increased without increasing software licensing costs Conclusions Software package benefits can be increased through this 5-step management process Benefits can be increased without increasing software licensing costs Without increasing staff time; in fact in most cases using the additional software functionality saves staff time Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

17 Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Recommendations Evaluate how well your software packages are delivering benefits Act on tactical initiatives Reduce avoidable work Read new release feature list Recommendations Here are some actions for you to consider when you return to your office Evaluate how well your P2ES software packages are delivering benefits This typically means making a list of what’s irritating or laborious in the monthly and annual processing cycles Is it data problems, repetitive keying of the same information, unreliable and inconsistent reports? Where did you place an X in the Yes column on the last three slides? Act on tactical initiatives to improve: Training Use of available functionality Integration across your software packages Data quality Business processes Reduce avoidable work: Use of spreadsheets Re-work Read new release feature list Every software vendor publishes these lists There’s a tendency to think the content is just for IT techies; that’s not true These documents typically include a list of what’s new for business people as well Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

18 Questions & Discussion
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Questions & Discussion Questions & Discussion Can you help us maximize benefits from software? Please fill out evaluation form Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

19 Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages Yogi Schulz Partner of Corvelle Consulting Information technology related management consulting Microsoft Canada columnist & CBC Radio host Industry presenter PPDM Association board member Corvelle Consulting 700, Ave. S. W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 2V7 Phone: (403) Web: Let’s talk about the homework You’ll see some pages at the end of my presentation These pages contain part of your homework assignment Now I know some of your bosses are wondering about the value of the time you’re spending here Unfortunately, some bosses see the Qbyte Kananaskis conference as a short, paid vacation So if you need to address this concern, you’ll be able to say to your boss that Kananaskis wasn’t all fun and games; that you learned a lot and that you actually received homework from some of the presenters On the homework pages you’ll see lists of functionality for the Microsoft Office software packages. From my experience, these lists are a good place to start to achieve more benefits from your investment in Microsoft Office software Check out the homework Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

20 Microsoft Office Word Styles Tabs Print envelopes Hanging indents
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Microsoft Office Word Styles Tabs Print envelopes Hanging indents Running header/footer Automatic page numbering Different first page Under-used feature Yes No Microsoft Office Word Styles Do use Normal, Heading 1 and others Don’t just format text using the tool bar Achieves a consistent look of your document Supports automated table of contents Tabs Do set tabs Don’t just keep hitting the tab keep until the text moves to the right where you want it Achieves a consistent vertical indentation Don’t use tabs to achieve multiple columns; use Insert columns Print envelopes Select the inside address to print on the envelope Many don’t use their laser printer to print envelopes Hanging indents Don’t press return in the text near the right margin to force a line break When you have an ordered list or an bulleted list, you can achieve automatic line wrap and make the left edge of the text line up nicely using hanging indents Running header/footer Don’t type header and footer information into the body of a page; if you add a line, the footer moves down on the page Running header/footer gives a document a unified look Automatic page numbering Insert page number into a footer Different first page Gives the first page of a letter or chapter a unique visual appearance Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

21 Microsoft Office Outlook
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Microsoft Office Outlook Tasks Type starting contact on To line Create appointments from Inbox Attach links not files Vcards to share contacts Search to find contacts & Signature to identify sender Under-used feature Yes No Microsoft Office Outlook Tasks Using task can greatly improve your routine organization and your productivity Type starting contact name on the To line Much faster and simpler than clicking on the Contacts icon and scroll through the available contacts Create appointments from Inbox Drag the incoming to the Calendar icon at the bottom left This action brings all the text into the notes section of the appointment Attach links not files Attaching files creates large s, wastes considerable disk space and creates lots of version problems as all the recipients save the attachment Vcards to share contacts Vcards eliminate keying new contact information from business cards or the signature block of incoming s Search to find contacts & Most of us have lots of and contacts; looking for an item just by scrolling won’t be successful; use search Signature to identify sender In my view every one of your outgoing s should include a short signature block of your contact information Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

22 Microsoft Office Excel
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Microsoft Office Excel Named ranges Graphs Sort/Filter Multiple sheets per workbook Linking sheets Populate with query AutoFill Under-used feature Yes No Microsoft Office Excel Named ranges Give variables better meaning for use in formulas Don’t give $number references to cells in formulas Graphs Excel makes great quick graphs from a small amount of data Sort/Filter Easy to sort data Filter instantly adds pull-down lists to use for filtering data Multiple sheets per workbook Keep data together in one neat package Enables creation of summary sheets from detail sheets Linking sheets Use Paste Link to create a reference rather than copy data creating risk of out-of-sync conditions Populate with query Use Excel to receive and manipulate the results from a database query AutoFill Quickly fill in a list of ascending numbers or dates Avoids a lot of mind-numbing typing Text parsing Enables quick separation of a parts of a text string into multiple cells for improved data structure For example, parsing some text with a number into two columns enables adding the column of numbers Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

23 Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Microsoft Office PowerPoint Styles through Masters PowerPoint Templates Custom animation Slide transition Notes pages Tables Video and Sound Under-used feature Yes No Microsoft Office PowerPoint Styles through Masters Use Slide and Notes masters to maintain a consistent layout, look and feel PowerPoint Templates Use the PowerPoint Templates at Microsoft Office Custom animation Create some movement on your slides Don’t go overboard Slide transition Change the slide transitions to maintain interest Notes pages Use the Notes pages to prepare your speaking notes Your notes should have more text than your slides PowerPoint is not a teleprompter; do not have what amounts to your notes as the text on the slide Tables Tables are a great alternative to bullet lists to create some variation among your slides Video and Sound Insert Video and Sound to create multi-media presentations Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

24 Bibliography Achieving Value from ERP Systems
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Bibliography Achieving Value from ERP Systems Five awesome Excel tips to make your data come alive How Your Business Can Benefit From Accounting Software Information Technology Delivers Business Productivity The 10 ways IT can do more with less You’ve licensed great software! Now what? Bibliography Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

25 More Financial Management
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 More Financial Management PST/HST processing Qbyte Connect Data entry tips & tricks Cost allocations Foreign currency Under-used feature Yes No P2ES Financial Management PST/HST processing For your business outside of Alberta, managing PST/HST is becoming more complex For example, B. C. recently adopted HST Reduces mistakes and processing effort Qbyte Connect Qbyte Connect handles the import of data in a reliable consistent and robust way For example, AFE data from AFE Navigator, Accounts Payable data from PowerVision, Reserves data If you still have various custom scripts handling imports of data, consider an upgrade to Qbyte Connect Data entry tips & tricks function keys to copy a line when doing data entry Reduces keying for vendor drilldown Cost allocations Vehicles to wells, Gather systems, head office costs Reduces effort to make the many calculations involved Foreign currency Supports any number of General Ledger currencies Very helpful for foreign operations Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

26 Software Package Range of Capabilities
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Software Package Range of Capabilities Software Package Range of Capabilities Software packages vary in their range of capabilities Understanding the capabilities of Software Packages is part of maximizing benefits. For the next few slides, I’ll be using a graph that shows Increasing Benefits on the Y-axis. The simplest software packages are Manual Support Tools. Notepad and Calculator are good examples that we’ve all used. They serve a small, specific purpose for a single person and don’t manage much data. Then come the Single Point Solutions. These software packages serve a single person, usually perform a single function and can range in capability but don’t manage a lot of data. Good examples are packages like Outlook, Outlook Express and Eudora. For example, in editing photos, Microsoft Photo Editor is much more limited than Adobe Photoshop. Multi-point Solutions. These software packages serve a group of individuals, perform a wider range of functions and typically manage data in a file system. A good example would be an accounting package like Great Plains that performs GL, AP and AR functions. Another example is the AutoCAD suite for creating and managing engineering and architectural drawings. Interfaced Solutions. These software packages consist of a series of modules that perform a wide range of functions and manage data in multiple databases. The modules can be operated independently. Data exchange between the modules is achieved by way of end-user initiated file transfer. A good example would be the P2ES suite of software with little of the integration turned on. You can share Business Associates to the extent that you run the interface that makes this data available to the various modules. You upload the financial entries to the GL only when you choose to do so. Loosely Integrated Solutions. These software packages consist of a series of modules that perform a wide range of functions . The modules operate with some inter-dependence and manage data in a shared database. Data managed by one module is accessible to end-users of other modules. For example, various modules in the P2ES suite of software access Business Associates managed in FM or the DOI managed in Land. CRM software tends to operate in this manner as well. Tightly Integrated Solutions. These software packages consist of a series of modules that perform a wide range of functions and manage data in a database. The modules expect that they’ll be operated inter-dependently. This is the domain of ERP software like SAP, Oracle E-Business Suite or Microsoft Dynamics AX. Data generated in one modules is available to all modules in close to real time. Moving up the chain requires not only software that is suitably capable but also that the organization operate with data management disciplines that do cost money for staff. Tightly Integrated Solution I n c r e a s i g Loosely Integrated Solution B e n f i t s Interfaced Solution Multi- Point Solution Single Point Solution Manual Support Tool Common Capability Range Improving Application Capability Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

27 Software Package Optimum Integration Cost/Benefit
Corvelle Consulting 5/1/2019 Software Package Optimum Integration Cost/Benefit Optimum Data Integration Range I n c r e a s i g Software Package Optimum Integration Cost/Benefit There’s an optimum data sharing point for data integration among software packages Below this range opportunities are being missed. For example, if we’re printing the list of DOI updates in Land and couriering the list to PA, there an opportunity to improve integration. Above this range, data integration costs more to maintain than it returns in value to the organization. For example, we’re maintaining the well list in PA to include wells that Exploration cares about that will not become producers or injectors, this task is probably a waste of time. Utopia in data sharing is far too costly. However, insufficient data sharing is costly in another sense: bad/poor business decisions Lots of reconciliation effort across systems wasted time and effort hunting for data that could have been made more accessible Determining the amount of data integration to pursue is a function of these Complexity Drivers: number of interfaces required to move data around; too many interfaces become too costly to maintain. number of users/departments who need access to data; more departments suggest value in more integration. number of locations in which your organization operates; more locations suggests benefits in more integration. amount of business change. Trying to improve integration in the midst of lots of re-organization or merger activity that generate uncertainty is probably counter-productive. sophistication of end-users. Less sophisticated end-users can probably be assisted more by more integration. As these numbers go up, both the costs to implement and operate interfaces as well as the potential benefits go up. For example, to what extent should you provide field offices with update access? To what extent should foreign subsidiaries access and maintain data in the same database instance you’re using for Canadian operations? B e n f i t s Complexity Drivers: number of interfaces number of users/departments number of locations amount of business change Increasing Costs Maximizing Business Benefits from Software Packages

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