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A spectacular lesson by: Shelby Whitley & Rayann Stokes

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1 A spectacular lesson by: Shelby Whitley & Rayann Stokes
Saturn A spectacular lesson by: Shelby Whitley & Rayann Stokes

2 Saturn's History Saturn was first discovered in 1610 by Galileo he saw a weird formation on the side of the planet and called them ‘ears’. in 1675 a Dutch scientist named christiaan Huygens looked at Saturn's ‘ears’ and claimed that they were rings. In 1973 the us launched an unmanned aircraft to study Jupiter and Saturn. Its name was the pioneer II. It came back with pics. Proving 2 new rings on Saturn.

3 Pioneer II by Saturn

4 Inside Saturn Saturn's inner layers are the core, inner mantle & outer mantle. The core is 9,300 miles (15,000km) and is composed of rock and metallic elements The inner mantle is 9,300 miles (15,000km) and made up of liquid metallic hydrogen The outer mantle is 15,ooo miles (25,000km)and formed by liquid molecular hydrogen

5 Looking inside Saturn

6 Saturn's Moons Saturn has 67 moons
Saturn's largest moon is Titan and is bigger than mercury. Saturn's moons help keep the rocks that make up the ring in line. If the rocks try to move the closest moon to that rock uses its gravity to push it back in. Scientists believe that some of Saturn's moons may have water in them.

7 Saturn's atmosphere and weather conditions
The atmosphere of Saturn has belts and zones that moves at speeds of 1,100 miles per hr. The atmosphere is mainly made of hydrogen and helium. Saturn's clouds have beautiful colors made up of strips of pale gold, beige, and white. They are mostly made of ammonia and methane. The cloud movement causes the raging storms and powerful winds that are on the surface of Saturn.

8 Raging storm on Saturn

9 Saturn's rings Saturn's rings are made up of chunks of ice and rock.
Rings at Saturn's equator reach speeds over 1,100 miles per hr. Saturn's ring system stretches over 300,000 mi. into space.

10 Saturn queen of the planets
saturnalia- a roman holiday to honor the god Saturn! On this week shops and schools stayed closed. (wish we still had this holiday ! ) the roman army could not start any new wars and prisoners were freed for the celebration as an act of good will. Saturn floats! One day on Saturn is 10 hr.’s and 39 min.’s

11 Australian/ British guy explaining Saturn!

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