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Vocabulary – Level F Unit 9.

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1 Vocabulary – Level F Unit 9

2 adulation praise or flattery that is excessive

3 supposition something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence

4 recapitulate to review a series of facts; to sum up

5 penury extreme poverty; barrenness, insufficiency

6 nebulous cloudlike, resembling a cloud; cloudy in color, not transparent; vague, confused, indistinct

7 pretentious done for show, striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiable; making demands on one’s skill ro abilities, ambitious

8 abate to make less in amount, degree, etc; to subside, become less to nullify; to deduct, omit

9 evanescent vanishing, soon passing away; light and airy

10 irresolute unable to make up one’s mind, hesitating

11 astute shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom

12 culpable Deserving blame, worthy of condemnation

13 Egregious conspicuous, standing out from the mass (used particularly in an unfavorable sense Excessive!

14 equivocate to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague or ambiguous

15 inactive, sluggish, dull
torpid inactive, sluggish, dull

16 avarice A greedy desire, particularly for wealth

17 slovenly untidy, dirty, careless

18 anathema an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation

19 resuscitate To revive, bring back to consciousness or existence

20 novice one who is just a beginner at some activity requiring skill and experience

21 dilatory tending to delay or procrastinate, not prompt; intended to delay or postpone

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