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Neolithic Age.

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1 Neolithic Age

2 The Neolithic Age Began 8000 B.C. to 4000 B.C. – lasted 4000 years
Neolithic = new stone (in Greek) After Ice Age, Earth’s temperatures rose. Many nomads move to milder climate and fertile land. Stay together in one place, grow grains and vegetables, and domesticate animals for stable source of food. Population grow faster Developed communities

3 Big changes for Humankind
Agricultural Revolution: changes that have enormous effect on people’s way of life. Domesticate: to adapt an animal to living with humans for the advantage of humans. Shift from nomadic lifestyle to systematic agriculture Systematic agriculture: the organized growing of food on a regular schedule. Steady food supply

4 How did the spread of farming change the lives of nomads?
Understanding Check How did the spread of farming change the lives of nomads?

5 Life in the Neolithic Age

6 Life in the Neolithic Age
What was life like during the Neolithic Age? People settled in villages, built permanent homes near fields and water sources, especially rivers. Neolithic farming villages developed throughout Europe, India, Egypt, China, and Mexico Biggest and earliest known communities: Jericho and Catalhuyuk Jericho community, present-day Israel and Jordan. Catalhuyuk, present-day Turkey. Mud-brick houses. People entered their houses through a hole on the rooftop. Built shrines = holy places.

7 Benefits of Settled Life?
Greater security Steady food supply Healthier, growing population People began to trade Specialization: people take specific jobs as their talents allowed. Began to make weapons and jewelry to trade Made pottery and basket But rapid population grow caused deforestation

8 The End of the Neolithic Age
Workers heated rocks and discovered melted copper inside them. Used copper to make tools because it’s easier to make and easier to use than those made of stone. Craftspeople in western Asia discovered that mixing copper and tin formed bronze, the beginning of the Bronze Age. This discovery is a technological breakthrough because bronze is stronger than copper. Bronze Age 3000 B.C. to 1200 B.C.

9 How did the spread of agriculture affect trade?
Understanding Check How did the spread of agriculture affect trade?

10 Civilizations Emerge

11 Civilizations Emerge Mesopotamia Egypt India China
Four of the great river valley civilizations: Mesopotamia Egypt India China

12 Cities and Government Developed Cities and formed Governments
Formed governments to protect themselves and their food supplies. Government officials managed food supplies and building projects.

13 Religions Religion helped explain forces of nature and role of humans
Priests performed ceremonies to win the support of the gods.

14 Social Structure Social Structure: society organized into groups.
The groups were based on the type of work people did and their wealth ($) or power. (triangle)

15 Social Structure Rulers, priests, government official, warriors
Free people: farmers, artisans, craftspeople Enslaved people: captured from enemies during war

16 Writing and Art Invent writing systems: keep records and preserved stories Created arts for enjoyment and practical purposes, such as gods and forces of nature, designed massive buildings as places of worship, burial tombs, or king palaces

17 What characteristics did early civilizations share?
Understanding Check What characteristics did early civilizations share?

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