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2017 GOS Preliminary Analysis

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1 2017 GOS Preliminary Analysis
Prepared by the Office of Strategic Planning and Information 25 January 2018

2 Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS)
The GOS surveys are administered under the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) initiative, commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (the Department). The survey has been designed to provide reliable, valid and generalisable longitudinal information on graduate outcomes to the Australian Government and higher education providers. From 2015 the GOS replaced the Australian Graduate Survey (AGS), an umbrella title for the GDS, CEQ and PREQ. A key focus of the GOS was to take existing concepts in the GDS and align them with contemporary good practice in the measurement and tracking of labour market participation. GOS 2016 Respondents GOS 2017 Respondents 2171 2773

3 Definitions Full time employment: This includes domestic graduates who were usually or actually in paid employment for at least 35 hours per week, in the week before the survey as a proportion of those who were available for full time work. This includes graduates who are in full time or part time study. Overall Employment: This includes domestic employed graduates (including in full-time, part-time or casual employment), as a proportion of those who are available for employment. This also includes graduates who are in full time or part time study. In the Labour Force: This includes domestic graduates who are available for employment as a proportion of all graduates. Includes full time and part time students. Median Salaries: This is the median salary from all jobs (gross) for domestic graduates working full time. (This excludes outliers – very high and very low salaries). Full Time Study: Includes domestic graduates in full time study as a proportion of all graduates.

4 Notes Further Information
Slides 5 – 8 contain information relating to CSU only and are provided to enable comparison between 2016 and 2017 results. Slides 9 and 10 contain information relating to all institutions and corresponds to data published on the QILT website. Note that on the QILT website graduate employment outcomes data is sourced from the GDS for 2015 and the GOS for Additional information on the 2017 GOS results are available at Further Information Dashboards containing GOS Results up to 2016 are available at These dashboards are due to be updated with 2017 data by May 2018.

5 CSU Labour Force Results: 2016 vs 2017
Overall (UG & PG, Domestic & International) full time employment rate has dropped from 83.9% to 82.8%. Median Salary has increased to $73,600.

6 CSU Undergraduate Domestic Results: 2016 vs 2017
Undergraduate domestic full time employment rate has risen from 84.8% to 86.2%. Median Salary has increased to $63,300.

7 CSU Undergraduate Study Area Results in 2017
Increase in full time employment rate: Agriculture, Nursing, Psychology, Creative Arts, Tourism/Hospitality Decrease in full time employment rate: IT, Communications Note: Caution should be used when interpreting results due to small response numbers for some study areas.

8 CSU Undergraduate CEQ Results: 2016 vs 2017
Undergraduate results in the Course Experience Questionnaire have seen a decrease in Overall Satisfaction and an increase in Good Teaching.

9 Graduate Employment Rate by Institution (QILT Results - Undergraduate)
When averaged over three years, the graduate employment rate of CSU graduates is 84.6%. QILT Data Source: Graduate Destinations Survey 2015 and Graduate Outcomes Survey 2016 – 2017.

10 Median Salary by Institution (QILT Results: Undergraduate)
When averaged over three years, the median salary of CSU graduates is $62,000. QILT Data Source: Graduate Destinations Survey 2015 and Graduate Outcomes Survey 2016 – 2017.

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