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CMS AI/AN Plan Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS AI/AN Plan Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS AI/AN Plan Introduction

2 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Medicaid, Medicare and SCHIP Medicare and Medicaid revenue are important and growing portions of Indian health budgets. CMS policies affect I/T/U

3 Tribal Technical Advisory Group (TTAG)
Official Advisory Committee for CMS 15 members (and alternates) Tribal leaders from each IHS Area NIHB, NCAI, and TSGAC representatives Meets 3 times per year + monthly teleconferences

4 Medicare and Medicaid Policy Committee (MMPC):
Committee of the NIHB Any tribe can join TTAG members and their technical advisors participate Weekly teleconferences Develops policy position and consensus among tribes

5 Purpose of CMS AI/AN Plan
Recommendations to CMS Administrator Strengthen CMS capacity to Understand Indian health system needs Analyze impacts of Medicare and Medicaid policies on I/T/U Serve AI/AN beneficiaries Develop CMS Tribal Consultation Policy Improve Outreach and Education on Medicare and Medicaid to Indian country

6 The AI/AN Strategic Plan has three parts

7 Part 1 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Purpose of Plan C. Background
D. Recommendations to help CMS identify and analyze AI/AN issues E. Recommendations to implement MMA F. Medicaid reform recommendations

8 Part 1 of the AI/AN Strategic Plan
should be completed by April 22, so we can provide input for the FY2007 budget process.

9 Part 2. Contents A. CMS Tribal Consultation Policy
B. Recommendations to improve AI/AN access to CMS programs and services C. Outreach and Education Strategies D. Process and timeline to update plan E. Plan Summary F. References

10 Part 3. Contents A. Recommendations for training using CMS satellite communications systems B. Research and evaluation agenda C. Prioritize list of outstanding Tribal/CMS issues and monitor progress

11 Timetable for Project Task Completion Date Part 1 April 22, 2005
September 15, 2005 Draft plan review & Tribal consultation November 30, 2005 Final Plan (Part 1 & 2) January 30, 2006 Part 3 April 1, 2006

12 Organization

13 Plan Subcommittee Members
Chair: Margaret Terrance TTAG Members: Jim Crouch, Valerie Davidson, Ed Fox, Kathy Hughes, Bob Newcombe, Mickey Peercy MMPC Members: Carol Barbero, Kris Locke, Myra Munson, Jim Roberts IHS Members: Elmer Brewster and Jessica Imotichey Please hand out or reference the CMS TTAG list that accompanied this presentation at this point. Margaret Terrance: Chair of the TTAG Plan Subcommittee, TTAG Member representing Nashville Area. Jim Crouch: TTAG Member representing the California Region, Executive Dir. Of the CA Rural Ind. Health Board Valerie Davidson: TTAG Chair and Member representing the Alaska Region. Exec. Dir of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corp. Ed Fox: TTAG Alternate representing the Portland Area, Exec. Dir. NW Portland Area Indian Health Board Kathy Hughes: TTAG Member representing the Bemiji Area, Vice Chair of the Oneida Nation Bob Newcombe: TTAG Member representing the Albuquerque Area, Health Services Director, Alamo Navajo School Board Mickey Peercy: TTAG Member representing NIHB, NIHB Treasurer and Exec. Dir of Operations and Management, Choctaw Nation of OK. Carol Barbero: TTAG Technical Advisor for the Nashville Area, MMPC Member Partner Hobbs, Strauss, Dean & Walker Kris Locke: TTAG Technical Advisor for the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee, MMPC Member Myra Munson: TTAG Technical Advisor for the Alaska Area, MMPC Member, Partner, Sonosky, Chambers Sachse, Miller & Munson Jim Roberts: MMPC Member Elmer Brewster: MMPC Member, IHS Employee Jessica Imotichey: MMPC Member, IHS Policy Analyst

14 CMS Tribal Consultation Policy Workgroup
Chair: Mickey Peercy TTAG Members: Ron Allen, Pearl Capoeman-Baller, Kathy Hughes Mickey Peercy: TTAG Member representing NIHB, NIHB Treasurer and Exec. Dir of Operations and Management, Choctaw Nation of OK. Ron Allen: TTAG Member for the Tribal Self Governance Advisory Committee, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Pearl Capoman-Baller: TTAG Member representing the Portland Area, President, Quinault Nation Kathy Hughes: TTAG Member representing the Bemiji Area, Vice Chair of the Oneida Nation

15 Staffing NIHB will provide the staffing for the plan.
Amy Sagalkin is Project Coordinator. Mim Dixon is Consultant to the Project. Amy Sagalkin, Project Coordinator Duties: Supervise all staff and consultants to assure that activities are completed within budget and on-schedule. Provide support to assure that the process works, schedule meetings and teleconferences, write notes and progress reports, make arrangements for travel, assure adequate communications. Coordinate TTAG, CMS, and IHS activities related to the Plan, including the review of the draft report. Post information on NIHB Web site. Coordinate tribal consultation for CMS plan, including printing and distribution of the draft report, arranging for presentations at meetings. Assist in revisions for the final report. Mim Dixon, NIHB Consultant Make three trips to Baltimore to review literature, interview CMS staff in various programs, conduct other research needed to write plan, and meet with CMS Plan Subcommittee. Draft sections of the plan and submit to the Plan Subcommittee and/or MMPC for review and comment. Provide staffing for Margaret Terrance, Chair, TTAG CMS Plan Subcommittee. Meet with TTAG CMS Plan Subcommittee, the MMPC, and the TTAG to gather recommendations and review drafts. Work with the Project Coordinator to make revisions to the draft plan and prepare the final plan.

16 What can Tribes do to help?
If you have ideas or suggestions for the plan, please send them to Amy Sagalkin Phone: 202/ Participate in CMS workshops at the NIHB Consumer Conference Phoenix, October 16-19, 2005 There will be a 60 day review and comment period for Parts 1 and 2 September 1-November 30, 2005 This Strategic Plan hopes to benefit ALL AI/AN communities by providing greater access to the services CMS offers. We look forward to your input and cooperation.

17 Thank you!

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