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Class of 2020 College Preparation

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1 Class of 2020 College Preparation

2 What’s the right career path?
Research Now Career Interest Inventories: Naviance: Career Interest Profiler Do What you Are Strengths Assessor Students should asses themselves Strengths and weaknesses? Talk with professionals in related field Do more for your major Part time job Internships Shadow Majors can change

3 What school is the best fit for you?
What type of school? University Junior/Community College Trade School Where? What’s the best environment? Research Naviance Filters school by major, location, cost, environment, demographics, and more. VISIT THE SCHOOLS 11th & 12th Graders– 2 College Days/Year MCHS Attendance Office Go when classes are in session Open Houses Check out Summer Opportunities Make a list of at least 5 schools

4 SAT/ACT TAKE BOTH TESTS! End of junior year
Beginning of senior year (August-October) Different tests ACT Science SAT - Study with Khan Academy: ACT - Study with ACT Academy: Library has study material for both

5 Test Dates

6 SAT/ACT Send Your Scores to Colleges Test Fee Waivers
Select colleges during registration for ACT or after registration for SAT Select colleges after you receive scores 4 free score sends (expire after roughly 2 weeks) Free sends expire after 2 weeks $12/send If used a fee waiver unlimited free sends Test Fee Waivers Students Receiving Free/Reduced Lunch 2 for SAT and 2 for ACT College Application Fee Waivers 4 for SAT “Unlimited” for ACT Always check with the college’s admission office before using an application fee waiver Most Junior/Community Colleges applications are free

7 College Applications In State: Apply Texas
Private/Out of State: Common App Coalition Application Websites Allow you to Copy/Paste Applications Some Schools Use Their Own Application Available on School’s Admissions Website APPLY EARLY (Open July/August) Improves chances of admission and major Automatic admits take it seriously Early scholarship deadlines

8 College Applications Once you apply Submit Official Transcripts
Request form in Registrars Office 1100 18+ to request without parent signature Electronic for in state (free) Mail out of state ($2 charge) Admissions mailing address Up to 3 weeks for transcript to process Send SAT/ACT Scores Online at either test website Submit FAFSA or TASFA Submit proof of bacterial meningitis shots Monitor your progress Check your prospective student account Communicate with Admissions Adviser If you are denied some schools allow you to appeal the decision if you have: Significant academic change that was not seen on your original application: Rank/GPA change, higher SAT/ACT must be taken before decision Or a tragedy/situation that might have negatively affected you during the application process.


10 Resume START NOW Save a running list of all (9th-12th):
Extracurricular Activities Volunteer Hours Honors/Awards/Leadership Positions Any important achievements Necessary for: College Applications Scholarship Applications Letters of Recommendation

11 Admissions Essays Take your time and take it seriously
Student’s chance to brag or explain their shortcomings The essays are already up Save, edit, and reuse for multiple schools and scholarships (Google Doc)

12 Letters of Recommendation
Not all schools require them Find at least one recommender relatable to your major Ask early (3 weeks prior) Let them know if you may need multiple Typically letters should remain sealed or unread by student Submit the maximum allowed (typically 3)

13 FAFSA/TASFA Both open October 1st TASFA
Submit ASAP Funding is Limited First Come First Serve Require Parents/Guardians’ 2018 Tax Returns and W-2’s (students included if they filed taxes) Submitted Annually Males over 18 Must Register for Selective Service FAFSA US Citizens and Permanent Residents Submit online at Requires student’s and parents’ social security numbers IRS Data Retrieval Tool TASFA Non-Citizens that are Texas Residents Paper Application Requires Additional Documentation: Notarized Affidavit of Intent Copy of Parents Tax Transcripts Available in the College Advising Office Financial Aid Appeal Significant Changes in Income (Job Loss, significant medical expenses) Not reflected by FAFSA/TASFA: Contact the Office of Financial Aid

14 Scholarships Most Applications Require the same things:
Essays-Usually topics related to Why do you deserve this scholarship? Why do you want to pursue your major/career? Describe a time you overcame adversity. Who is a person that inspires you? Why? Letter/s of Recommendation Transcript SAT/ACT Scores Save Everything for Multiple Applications Where to search: Naviance Colleges Tab Scholarship List (Local Houston/Katy) National Scholarship Search Websites Other Sources of Aid: Veterans and their dependents: Hazelwood Act: Post 9/11 GI Bill: sp Work Study Part time job Eligibility – FAFSA Student Loans

15 Prepare Now Determine your major Make a list of 5 to 10 schools
Take your SAT/ACT Study for both Create your résume Prepare Your college Applications Create Apply Texas, Common App, or Coalition App accounts Prepare Admissions Essays Search for Scholarships

16 Zachary Lawrence I’m here to help you every step of the way!!!
To schedule a meeting Students stop by my office Parents or call me Office Location: 1100B Office Phone: (281) College Advising Remind: to 81010

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