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The Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics

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1 The Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics
State Human Resource Managers Association April 2, 2008

2 Introduction: The Code of Governmental Ethics
Addresses “Conflicts of Interest” Applies to: Elected Officials Public Servants Other persons

3 Policy Goals of the Code of Ethics
To instill public confidence in the integrity of government; To ensure the independence and impartiality of elected officials and public employees; To ensure that governmental decisions and policy are made in the proper channel of government structure, and To ensure that public office and employment are not used for private gain.

4 The Board of Ethics 11 Members:
7 appointed by the governor, with at least one from each congressional district 2 elected by the Senate 2 elected by the House of Representatives

5 Duties of the Board of Ethics
Administers and Enforces the Ethics Code. Issues advisory opinions Conducts investigations Conducts public hearings Administers the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act. Administers the Lobbyist Disclosure Acts.

6 Changes to the Duties of the Board effective August 15, 2008
All public hearings concerning violations of the Code will be conducted by the Ethics Adjudicatory Board (EAB) The EAB will be composed of 7 administrative law judges The EAB shall sit in panels of 3 judges to conduct public hearings The EAB panel will determine whether there has been a violation and the appropriate penalty if applicable

7 Who is Considered a Public Servant?
Elected Official or a public employee. Public employee is anyone who is engaged in the performance of a governmental function. Public Servant is an Elected Official of public employee Compensation is not required.

8 § 1113A – Prohibited Transactions
A public servant, excluding legislators and appointed members of boards and commissions Public servant’s immediate family Legal entity in which public servant or immediate family member, individually or collectively has an ownership interest in excess of 25% MAY NOT Bid on or enter into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision of the public servant’s agency

9 “Immediate Family Member”
Includes the following: Children; Spouses of Children; Brothers and Sisters; Spouses of Brothers and Sisters; Parents; Spouse, and Parents of Spouse.

10 “Agency” Any department, office, division, agency, commission, board, committee, or other organizational unit of a governmental entity. A governmental entity is any state or political subdivision which employs you, or to which you were elected.

11 § 1113B – Prohibited Transactions Appointed Members of Boards and Commissions
Members of their immediate family Legal entity in which public servant or immediate family member, individually or collectively, has a substantial economic interest MAY NOT bid on, enter into, or be in any way interested any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision of the public servant’s agency.

12 § 1115 – Gifts A public servant may NOT accept anything of economic value, directly or indirectly, as a gift from someone who is considered a prohibited source.

13 “Prohibited Source” A person who has or is seeking a contractual, business, or financial arrangement with your agency. [R.S. 42:1115A(1)] A person who conducts activities which are regulated by the public employee’s agency. [R.S. 42:1115B(1)] A person who has a substantial economic interest that can be affected by the performance or non-performance of the public employee’s job duties. [R.S. 42:1115B(2)]

14 “Thing of Economic Value”
Means money or any thing having economic value. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Promotional items having no substantial resale value; 2. Food and drink consumed while the guest of the giver 3. Elected officials may receive tickets to a civic, non- profit, educational or political event, if the elected official is a program honoree, a speech presenter, or a panel member.

15 The Giver of a Prohibited Gift
The giver of a prohibited gift to a public servant also violates the Code of Governmental Ethics and may be subject to enforcement proceedings. [R.S. 42:1117] “If you can’t receive it, they can’t give it.” A prohibited source may not give a public servant food, drink or refreshment the total value of which exceeds $50 at a single event. [R.S. 42:1115.1]

16 § 1111 – Prohibited Income A public employee may not render compensated services to or for a prohibited source. [R.S. 42:1111C(2)(d)]

17 § 1111 – Prohibitions on Income
A Public Servant may not receive: Anything of economic value for the performance of his official duties and responsibilities, other than his salary and related benefits from his governmental entity to which he is duly entitled. [R.S. 42:1111A(1)] Any thing of economic value for the performance of services which are substantially related to the responsibilities and programs of his agency and in which he participated. [R.S. 42:1111C(1)(a)]

18 § 1112 – Participation A public servant cannot participate in a transaction in which any of the following persons has a substantial economic interest: Himself A member of his immediate family A legal entity in which he has a substantial economic interest A person in which he serves on officer, director, trustee, partner, or employee A person with whom he is negotiating prospective employment A person who owes him, or a legal entity in which he owns in excess of 25%, money or can affect his economic interests because of a contractual relationship with him or the legal entity.

19 “Participation” Taking part in or sharing in the responsibility for an action of the governmental entity though approval, disapproval, decision, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or the failure to act or perform a duty.

20 “Substantial Economic Interest”
An economic interest which is of greater benefit to the public servant than to a general class of persons. This does not include the interest that the public servant has in his position, office, rank, salary, or per diem which arises out of his public service.

21 Avoiding Participation
Elected Officials can recuse themselves to avoid participation violations. Appointed members of boards and commissions must either resolve the conflict or resign. They may not recuse themselves. Other public employees may disqualify themselves to avoid participation problems as long as they are not the sole decision maker.

22 § 1119 – Nepotism An immediate family member of an agency head may not be employed in his/her agency.

23 “Agency Head” Chief executive or administrative officer -OR-
Any member of a board or commission who exercises supervision over the agency

24 General Nepotism Exceptions
Employment in the agency for one year prior to the immediate family member becoming the “agency head;” -OR- Serving in public employment before April 1, 1980.

25 § 1119D Persons held liable for willful violation of nepotism provisions
Agency head Member of the governing authority Person having authority to hire and fire Immediate supervisor

26 § 1121 – Post Employment “Agency Head”
For a period of 2 years following his termination of employment: Cannot assist a person, for compensation, in a transaction or in an appearance in connection with a transaction involving his former agency. Cannot render on a contractual basis to or for his former agency ANY service. Cannot be employed in any capacity by his former agency. Cannot be appointed to any position.

27 § 1121 – Post Employment: Public Employee
For a period of two years following his termination of employment: Cannot assist a person for compensation in a transaction in which the former public employee had participated in during his public employment and involving his former public employer; AND Cannot contract with his former employer to perform any service he had performed during his public employment.

28 Where to Get More Information
Ethics Website: Ethics Quarterly Newsletter Informal Advice: (225) or (800)

29 The Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics
Courtney Jackson Louisiana Board of Ethics 2415 Quail Drive, 3rd Floor Baton Rouge, LA (225) Phone (800) Toll Free (225) Fax

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