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HTC = historical thinking concepts

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1 HTC = historical thinking concepts
HTC Intro Basic HTC Lingo CHY4U Unit 1, Activity 1 HTC = historical thinking concepts

2 HTC Check-Up _____________ and ____________ are very subjective (opinion-based) labels. For instance, Trump’s policies are viewed positively by some and negatively by others; this connects to the HTC called _______________. You came to class today because the bell rang (a ________ ________ cause) and because you had some deeper reason for wanting to study history (a _______ _________ cause).

3 Trump’s immigration ban (moratorium) is ______________ as it is leading to major changes in who can and cannot enter the US. People often feel nostalgia for the past or they like retro things like clothing. This reveals a preference for _____________. At the same time, people like the newest technology, showing that ___________ and ____________ can overlap.

4 It would be ______________ to assume that people of the Aztec Empire saw human sacrifice as a barbaric practice.

5 Inference “conclusion based on reading between the lines of a source”

6 Context “the circumstances at the time of the creation of a source; the society and belief system in which the source was created as well as the historical events taking place at the time” P E R S I A T acronym helps you remember the various parts of a society Ibid.

7 Avoid Presentism “imposing the thoughts, beliefs, and values of today onto historical actors” Seixas and Morton, The Big Six, 215.

8 Historical Perspectives
Multiple perspectives on Trump OPPONENTS’ VIEWS SUPPORTERS’ VIEWS

9 Continuity and Change Things that remain the same from the past
Things that change from the past Interwoven

10 Causes and Consequences
Who and/or what caused Trump to get elected? Individuals X Historical conditions / social forces Groups Sort: polarization of the people, money buys media airtime, ALT right, far right, Trump’s qualities, Trump’s celebrity, Trump’s policies, Steve Bannon

11 The Economist, Jan. 19-25, 2013, Cover.

12 Primary Evidence To answer Obama’s question future historians would need to look at evidence from his time in office:

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