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OR Writing the No-Hassle Way

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Presentation on theme: "OR Writing the No-Hassle Way"— Presentation transcript:

1 OR Writing the No-Hassle Way
The 3.8 Paragraph OR Writing the No-Hassle Way

2 Introduction: The 3.8 Paragraph is made up of 1 topic 3 points
8 sentences

3 Sentence 1: The topic sentence
The first sentence states the three points you are going to make about the topic. Example: My three favorite flavors of ice cream are chocolate, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mint chocolate chip.

4 Sentences 2 and 3: Discuss point 1
Sentences 2 and 3 develop the first point you wish to make with details, reasons, or examples. Example: Chocolate is very rich. It is a delectable ice cream flavor.

5 Sentences 4 and 5: Discuss point 2
Sentences 4 and 5 develop the second point with details, reasons, or examples. Example:. My mouth waters at the thought of having chocolate chip cookie dough after dinner. My favorite part of it is the chunks of dough that surprise me in the spoonfuls.

6 Sentences 6 and 7: Discuss point 3
Sentences 6 and 7 develop the third point with details, reasons, or examples. Example: Mint chocolate chip ice cream is a great ice cream to make a milkshake out of. When you are drinking the milkshake, the chunks of chocolate chips melt in your mouth.

7 Sentence 8: The conclusion (or clincher)
Sentence 8 concludes the paragraph by restating or summarizing the topic sentence. Example: Therefore, my three favorite flavors of ice cream are chocolate, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mint chocolate chip.

8 Now, let’s put it all together:
My three favorite flavors of ice cream are chocolate, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mint chocolate chip. Chocolate is very rich. It is a delectable ice cream flavor. My mouth waters at the thought of having chocolate chip cookie dough after dinner. My favorite part of it is the chunks of dough that surprise me in the spoonfuls. Mint chocolate chip ice cream is a great ice cream to make a milkshake out of. When you are drinking the milkshake, the chunks of chocolate chips melt in your mouth. Therefore, my three favorite flavors of ice cream are chocolate, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mint chocolate chip.

9 Now, let’s recap the 3.8 formula:
Sentence 1--the topic sentence introduces the topic that contains three points Sentences 2 & 3--develop point one Sentences 4 & 5--develop point two Sentences 6 & 7--develop point three Sentence 8--the clincher--restates the topic sentence.

10 What does freedom in America mean to me?
Time to write! You have already completed some prewriting activities about freedom. Now it’s time to organize those ideas into a more formal piece of writing. Revisit your web and/or drawings about freedom to generate your response to the following question. You may also want to use ideas that came to you from the video and/or class discussion. Use the 3.8 paragraph organizer to start the drafting process. What does freedom in America mean to me?

11 Changes made by ldbgraham
Original Powerpoint Presentation from Changes made by ldbgraham using the essay example information from

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