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Acceleration How to improve speed? At what costs?.

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Presentation on theme: "Acceleration How to improve speed? At what costs?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acceleration How to improve speed? At what costs?

2 T=Nq * CPI * Cycletime Nq, Number of instructions
CPI, Cycles Per Instruction Cycletime

3 Single Cycle Design CPI = 1 Cycletime = Long (Longest path)

4 Multiple Cycle 1 < CPI < S Cycletime = Factor 1/S

5 Pipelined design CPI = 1, (Constant) Cycletime = Factor 1/S

6 “THROUGHPUT” The total amount of work done in a given time

Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend INSTRUCTION MEMORY

Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend

Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend

10 DATA MEMORY STAGE (DM) DATA MEMORY Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B +
A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend DATA MEMORY

11 WRITEBACK STAGE (WB) Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze
A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend

12 Pipeline 5 stages, (IM, DE, EX, DM, WB) Writeback NOT in critical path
Cut critical path by 4

logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend

14 Single Cycle IM Reg DM Reg IM Reg DM Reg

15 Single Cycle IM Reg DM Reg IM Reg DM Reg

16 4 Stage Pipe IM Reg DM Reg IM Reg DM Reg IM Reg DM Reg IM Reg DM Reg

17 A Program 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
0x3C sw $5 4($0) $1 holds value 0x05

18 4 Stage Pipe 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
IM Reg DM Reg 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 IM Reg DM Reg 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD IM Reg DM Reg 0x3C sw $5 4($0) IM Reg DM Reg

19 Step 1 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
IM Reg DM Reg 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 IM Reg DM Reg 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD IM Reg DM Reg 0x3C sw $5 4($0) IM Reg DM Reg

20 Step 2 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
IM Reg DM Reg 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 IM Reg DM Reg 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD IM Reg DM Reg 0x3C sw $5 4($0) IM Reg DM Reg

21 Step 3 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
IM Reg DM Reg 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 IM Reg DM Reg 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD IM Reg DM Reg 0x3C sw $5 4($0) IM Reg DM Reg

22 Step 4 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
IM Reg DM Reg 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 IM Reg DM Reg 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD IM Reg DM Reg 0x3C sw $5 4($0) IM Reg DM Reg

23 Step 5 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
IM Reg DM Reg 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 IM Reg DM Reg 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD IM Reg DM Reg 0x3C sw $5 4($0) IM Reg DM Reg

24 > 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend > 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD 0x3C sw $5 4($0)

25 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 > 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 > 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD 0x3C sw $5 4($0)

26 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 > 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 > 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD 0x3C sw $5 4($0)

27 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD
Zero ext. Branch logic A ALU 4 B + 31 + Sgn/Ze extend 0x30 sub $6 $0 $1 0x34 add $7 $0 $1 0x38 ori $2 $0 0xABCD > 0x3C sw $5 4($0)

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