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Title Subtitle School name Location.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Subtitle School name Location."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Subtitle School name Location

2 About Your School Details to include: General relevant info location
system (e.g. government) age range of students (e.g. Prep – 12) No. staff No. students

3 About your Team Who was on your team How was the team assembled?
How often did you meet? What enabled your team to work collaboratively and effectively with each other?

4 Diagnosis Phase

5 Identifying Opportunities for Growth
Text Block

6 Data Collected Text Block

7 Needs Statement The needs statement – as already completed

8 Intervention Phase

9 The Intervention Please briefly describe the intervention you chose to run

10 Intervention Steps Please briefly describe how the intervention was implemented

11 Intervention Insights
Please briefly describe challenges, solutions and noteworthy events or interactions which occurred as the result of the intervention.

12 Evaluation Phase

13 Evaluation Methodology
Please describe how you implemented the evaluation

14 Data Collected Please describe the data that you collected

15 The Impact Please describe the impact of the program, as evaluated using the collected data.

16 Where to Next?

17 Next Steps Please describe where you are heading.

18 Thank you

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