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Importing New Vehicles into Australia

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1 Importing New Vehicles into Australia

2 Mr. Michael Constandino
Presented By: Mr. Michael Constandino Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development Vehicle Safety Standards (VSS) Branch Thank everybody for their attendance

3 Introduction A road vehicle in Australia is defined in the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 as: A vehicle designed solely and principally for the transport of people, animals or goods, a road trailer, or a partly completed road motor vehicle.

4 Introduction All vehicles intended for use in transport on Australian roads imported from overseas must be issued with an Vehicle Import Approval (VIA). VIAs are issued by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development – Vehicle Safety Standards (VSS) Branch

5 Laws Australian motor vehicle standards law is encapsulated in the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989, supporting regulations and instruments, such as the Australian Design Rules or ADRs and Vehicle Standards Bulletins or VSBs. The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (DoIRD) (The Department) administers this legislation. The Australian Government has established a number of options for the importation of motor vehicles and trailers to Australia.

6 Therefore: ~ 850,000 new cars imported to Australia per year
Source of vehicles registered for use the first time on Australian roads Total approx. 1,000,000 in 2011 Therefore: ~ 850,000 new cars imported to Australia per year

7 Used Vehicles (< 2%) Used vehicles imported into Australia are under three basic schemes: Vehicles manufactured before 1989. Personal Imports. Models not imported into Australia by full volume manufacturers.

8 Used Vehicles: Pre Vehicles manufactured before 1989 may be imported without restriction. These vehicles pre-date the current legislation and are subject Australian State and territory laws. This scheme also caters for older vehicles in the enthusiast and specialist market sector.

9 Used Vehicles Post Vehicles manufactured after 1989 may be imported by Australian citizens that are returning after living overseas. The Registered Automotive Workshop Scheme (RAWS) allows used vehicles manufactured after 1989 to be imported, modified to be ADR compliant, and used on Australian roads. This scheme caters for the enthusiast and specialist market sector.

10 New Vehicles The Low Volume Scheme allows news vehicles to be imported for use on Australian roads where the manufacturer does not anticipate sales exceeding either 25 or 100 vehicles per year. The Full Volume Scheme allows a manufacturer to import unlimited numbers of vehicles into Australia. However, an Identification Plate Approval (IPA) must first be obtained before import approvals will be granted.

11 Test and Evaluation Vehicles
The Department may grant an import approval for one or more vehicles of a vehicle type for test and evaluation. This is so that the manufacturer can conduct testing and evaluation to demonstrate ADR compliance in Australia, without having an IPA.

12 Test and Evaluation Vehicles (after testing)
Once an IPA has been granted, these vehicles may be plated for use on Australian roads. Should the vehicle/s not comply, or be able to be modified to comply, they must be exported or destroyed.

13 First Steps Manufacturers or importers should first be registered with the Road Vehicle Certification System (RVCS). The manufacturer should decide whether one or more vehicles will be required to be tested to demonstrate compliance for a vehicle type. The applicant should submit a brief Certification Plan including the - ADR Tests required to make the vehicle compliant; and - Test Facilities that will be conducting the applicable tests.

14 Importing Vehicles Once an IPA has been granted for full volume, an unlimited number of vehicles of that type, or variants of that type may be imported into Australia. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure all vehicles imported and plated meet the conditions of an IPA.

15 Ensure you have a VIA before you ship vehicles

16 Vehicles not covered by a VIA will not be allowed to clear customs
This can cause long delays and cause the importer to incur extra costs.

17 Duties and Taxes The following duties and taxes must be paid before Customs will allow a vehicle to enter Australia: Customs Duties: 5% Goods and Services Tax (GST): 10% Luxury Car Tax (LCT): 33%

18 Quarantine Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry manages quarantine controls at our boarders to minimise the risks of exotic pests and diseases entering the country. All vehicles must be thoroughly clean, both internally and externally before arrival in Australia.

19 Main Points A manufacturer importing new full volume vehicles into Australia must hold an Identification Plate Approval (IPA) to obtain a Vehicle Import Approval (VIA) for a vehicle type. The manufacturer can only import vehicles of that type into Australia with an VIA. Manufacturers must hold a valid import approval for all vehicles before Customs will allow a vehicle to enter Australia. Vehicles must be free from Quarantine Risk Material (QRM) to allow the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) to clear the vehicles. All duties and taxes must be paid before vehicles can enter Australia.

20 Information Importing vehicles (DOIT):
Customs: Luxury Car Tax (ATO): Quarantine (DAFF):

21 Importing Vehicles into Australia
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