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Before We Became “CANADA”

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1 Before We Became “CANADA”
Chapter 1: The “Discovery” of North America

2 Who is this man. When might he have lived in North America
Who is this man? When might he have lived in North America? How about his ancestors?

3 Canada's First Nations - scientists think native people came to NA across a land bridge (Beringia) 40,000 years ago - most natives believe they have always been here - natives lived and prospered all over NA

4 Which brave explorers come to the shores of Newfoundland and settle in for a few years. What happens to them?

5 The Vikings – around 1000 AD - went sailing from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark to find new lands - settle in Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland - driven away from NWFLD after 10 years by the natives

6 Who is sailing the “Santa Maria
Who is sailing the “Santa Maria?” Where is this sailor going to anyways? What does he bump into and ”discover” instead?

7 Christopher Columbus - 1492
- Europeans started looking for a water route to China's silks and spices - CC bumps into (“discovers”) NA along the way

8 An Italian sailing for England discovers what on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland? What was this land's second huge resource?

9 John Cabot - 1497 - finds cod off of NWFLD – claims it for England
- Europeans start coming to the Grand Banks for fish

10 The race to find new lands and resources is on
The race to find new lands and resources is on! Do you remember the main competitors?

11 European Nations s - the race to find new lands, riches, colonies, and a water route to China is on - France, England, Spain, Portugal, and Holland are big participants

12 This man has been sent by France to find a way WEST to the East (to China). Instead he finds the St. Lawrence River. Who is he? What is he doing here?

13 Jacques Cartier – 1530s - JC claims the St. Lawrence River area for France – tries 3 x's to follow it to China - finds no riches either, France not impressed

14 Ah, finally – “The Father of New France
Ah, finally – “The Father of New France.” What 2 areas did he choose as settlements? Who lives there still today?

15 Samuel de Champlain – 1605/1608 - SC starts settlements for France at Port Royal, Acadia (today's Nova Scotia) and at Quebec City - NEW FRANCE begins

16 Do you see the Mayflower in the background
Do you see the Mayflower in the background? Who has it brought, where and why? What has begun?

17 The Pilgrims - 1605 - NEW ENGLAND begins
- Protestants from England escaping persecution land at Plymouth Rock - NEW ENGLAND begins

18 An early map of northeast North America

19 And so, the European settlement (colonization) of NA has begun
- the British settle “New England” (the 13 states along the Atlantic Ocean) and Newfoundland - the French settle “New France” (along the St. Lawrence River) and “Acadia” (today's Nova Scotia

20 As NA develops, remember...
- New England, though smaller in area, gains in population much more quickly than New France - the natives in NA are slowly displaced - in Europe, England and France are enemies - in NA, they will also fight over land, the control of the fur trade etc. and eventually the English will win

21 And so, the colonization of North America has begun
And so, the colonization of North America has begun. Whose life is changed by this?

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