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Holographic Heavy- Light mesons from non- Abelian DBI

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1 Holographic Heavy- Light mesons from non- Abelian DBI
近畿大/07.08 Holographic Heavy- Light mesons from non- Abelian DBI      Johanna Erdmenger, K. G, and Ingo Kirsch ArXiv:

2 Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Specific BG and D7 branes embedding 3. D7s Fluctuations and HL mesons Characteristic Properties of mass spectrum for various vacuum 4. Summary

3 Supersymmetric version 03
1. Introduction Approach from AdS/CFT or string/gauge theory non-perturbative QCD in IR motivated by flavor quark with a definite mass introduced by D7 brane [Karch-Katz 02] Supersymmetric version 03 *AdS5 x S5 (N=4 SYM) [Karch-Katz, Kurczenski et al 03] *Klebanov-Strassler BG [Sakai-Sonnenshein 03] *Maldacena-Nunetz BG {Nunetz-Paredes-Ramallo 03] D5 is used instead of D7 meson spectrum has been examined by the fluctuations of probe brane

4 Chiral symmetry breaking, Quark Confinement
(2) Non SUSY version; Chiral symmetry breaking, Quark Confinement IIA ; D4/D6 [KMMK], D4/D8[Sakai-Sugimoto 06] with KK modes, IIB ; D3/D7 [Evans group, G-Y, .. 04] (3) Finite Temperature version; “Topology changing” Phase transition = melt down of mesons in the deconfinement phase IIB ; D3/D7 [KMMK , Evans group, GSUY, ..] (4) Chemical Potential version; “Topology non-changing” unstable Phase transition IIA ; D4/D8[Horigome-Tanii] IIB ; D3/D7 [KMMMT, NSSY, our work is now preparing]

5 (4) Present work is to study a system of H and L quarks by DBI
By Polyakov or NG action Paredes-Talavera 05, Evans-Erdmenger-Grosse 06, Bando-Sugamoto-Terunuma 07, ..

6 2. BG (pure YM) and D7 branes embedding (quarks)
Type IIB Supergravity Solution pure YM (A) Liu-Teytlin, ‘99, Kehagias-Sfetsos, ‘99 (B) and chiral symm breaking G-Yahiro, 04

7 The meaning of the parameter q and from the dictionary
For non-susy sol. The role of q quark confinining phase [Kehagias] [K.G, M.Yahiro, hep-th/ ]

8 hep-th/ + ・・・

9 Embedding : solve X profile function w

10 For one brane For SUSY; For non- SUSY; Sol for w quark mass, chiral condensate, meson mass


12 3. D7s Fluctuations and HL mesons

13 (for HL) for string connecting two branes

14 A: SUSY sol : ‘tHooft coupling constant For HL meson, for n=l=0

15 Deviate from scalar due to q
compared to scalar not dashed: scalar at large mq: SUSY is restored

16 , grey: q=0 too large

17 Vectors Higgs Mechanism mixing

18 (+ gauge condensate )

19 is not important in the spectrum

20 6. Summary 1. Holographic set up of HL mesons by non-Abelian DBI action, diagonal embedding 2. HL mesons have mass corr. to string connect. two separate branes // vector ; Higgs mechanism scalar ; 3. then spectrum HH > HL for 4. For Heavy-quark (i) spin effect vanishes (vector = scalar) (ii) supuersymmetry is restored (spectrum degenerates) Bion ? Survive at large λ Energy of string connecting two branes A condense

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