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Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Vision An equitable and sustainable land dispensation that promotes social and economic development Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Mission To provide access to land and to extend rights in land, with particular emphasis on the previously disadvantaged communities, within a well planned environment Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Strategic Objectives Provision of access to land Provision of rights in land Effective Land Planning and Information Improvement of stakeholder relations Promotion of intra-departmental excellence Improvement and alignment of systems and processes Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
PERFORMANCE REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE PERIOD 1 APRIL 2004 TO 31 MARCH 2005 Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Restitution 74% of the overall target has been achieved, claims settled by end of financial year, claims outstanding 6 536 settled claims are rural, while are urban At this pace the Commission is certain to meet its target of settling all land claims by March 2008. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Restitution There was a 68% increase in the number of claims settled in 2004/05 in relation to 2003/04 A total of land claims were settled in this financial year. hectares awarded in 2004/2005 financial year Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Restitution However, key challenges for the Commission are: the finalisation of all rural claims, which are more complex and take longer to negotiate, and steering away from monetary compensation. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Redistribution – Land Reform for Agricultural Development
This year ha were transferred to beneficiaries against targets of hectares to beneficiaries 328 farms were transferred against target of 372 40% of target in terms of hectares has been met At the same time 98% of the capital budget for the sub-programme was spent. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Redistribution - LRAD
Cumulatively individuals have benefited A total of hectares have been redistributed 19% of all LRAD projects are made up of youth and 34.7% of women. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Redistribution - LRAD
The challenges faced in terms of LRAD are High land prices, there has been a 20% increase in land price Integrated delivery, commitments made by municiaplities and other Govt Department are not realised. Land reform is not yet an integral part of municiaplities planning and spatial dvelopment plans, provincial growth strategies. Inadequate support by provincial Dpts of Agriculture, despite CASP. Restrictions on sub-division leads people into debt traps by forcing them to buy land in excess. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Redistribution - LRAD
Within only 4 years of delivery LRAD has performed remarkably, the sub-programme retains its’ status as the flagship programme of the Department. We are now starting to see the positive effects of the programme, we can now say that LRAD has created sustainable agricultural ventures. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Tenure We took a positive step towards fulfilling the requirements of Section 25 (6) of the Constitution, which prescribes the provision of legally secure tenure, by promulgating the Communal Land Rights Act (Act 11 of 2004) on 14 July 2004. A extensive implementation strategy was developed and will be presented to Cabinet in November 2005. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Tenure The majority of the targets in terms of Tenure Reform were adequately met: Targets Output Land for Labour Tenants ha ha Eviction Interventions 765 940 Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Tenure However, the impact of the interventions made through the Labour Tenants Act and the Extension of Security of Tenure Act is wanting. We will act swiftly to put measures in place to enhance the security of farm dwellers, who are among the most vulnerable members of our society. We are assessing where our gaps in delivery are and will institute corrective measures, we are also seeking to introduce measures to separate the management of evictions from tenure security. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Hectares Delivered by Product Types in 2004-2005
Cumulatively hectares were delivered Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Planning and Information
In July 2004 the representative Council for South African Planners was appointed, this will contribute to transforming the planning profession. Agreements were reached for the free distribution of remote sensing data from two satellites to countries in the SADC region. This is a valuable decision-making tool that can, for example, provide early warnings of drought and flood conditions. A Surveyor-General’s Office was established in Nelspruit, which solely serves the Mpumalanga Province. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Improved Governance of the Department
The objectives of the Employment Equity Plan were met within the specified timeframe of five years. A fully-fledged Employee Wellness Programme was established. The response has been positive and benefits can already be seen reduction of absenteeism. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Improved Governance of the Department
Unqualified Audit Report, with few matters of emphasis 100% compliance with the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and budget guidelines 98% of the budget was spent. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Departmental Budget 2004/05 spending per Programme
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Financial Review for 2004/05 per Programme
Expenditure R’ 000 Budget % of Budget 1. Administration 97% 2. Surveys & Map. 65 597 68 993 95% 3. Cadastral Surveys 79 044 80 336 98% 4. Restitution 99.8% 5. Land Reform 96% 6. Spatial Planning 15 180 17 722 86% 7. Aux. & Ass. Ser. 2 624 8 224 32% TOTAL Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Reform Delivery Restitution Finalise all urban claims by the end of the financial year Settle rural claims Ensure that households benefit. Redistribution LRAD hectares Land for Settlement hectares Commonages URP and ISRDP ESTA & LTA Land Reform projects owned by women - 30% Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Summit A highly successful and widely representative Land Summit was held from 27 to 30 July 2005 Significant policy and implementation recommendations were made by the participants on how to fasten the pace of delivery and improve current delivery methods. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Summit Some of the recommendations made at the Land Summit: Policy: Review of the Willing-Buyer-Seller Approach Institution of the Right of First Refusal Imposition of a progressive Land Tax and other incentives for Land Release. Promotion of Subdivision of Agricultural Land Review of Restitution Cut-off Dates Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Summit Implementation Issues Integrated Development Planning Enhanced State Capacity Communication and consultation strategies New Land Acquisition Methods Resettlement Models Targeting of beneficiaries Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Summit Reports to Cabinet and Land Affairs and Agricultural MinMec done in August 2005 We are now developing a plan to implement the recommendations of the Land Summit. A Strategic Planning session was held last week,12-14 October, in which the parameters of the plan were fleshed out (continuing). Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Land Summit The implementation of the Land Summit recommendations will move the Department into a new direction where: the State will play a greater, pro-active role, in land acquisition and in land settlement planning and will result in greater synergy of action among spheres of government. More importantly, it will result in a heightened increase in delivery – “massification” Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Other Activities Implementation Plan for the Communal Land Rights Act will be presented to Cabinet in November 2005. Revision of ESTA & LTA sub-programmes, to separate the management of evictions from the security of tenure of farm dwellers. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Other Activities Contribution to the Accelerated and Shared Growth Strategy. To contribute to the 6% target a Route Corridor-orientated strategy has been developed in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture In the short term this involves the rapid up-scaling of projects currently planned on these routes, will result in heightened delivery in the current financial year. Impact evaluations are on track this year, after a 3-year hiatus, by February 2006 we will be able to state the impact of land reform on the lives of beneficiaries. Accelerating Land Delivery for Sustainable Development
Forward to 2014 – Let us share and grow this land together
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