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Hey, Jude! Look out for these guys!. Judas (Greek) A servant first A brother second.

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Presentation on theme: "Hey, Jude! Look out for these guys!. Judas (Greek) A servant first A brother second."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hey, Jude! Look out for these guys!

2 Judas (Greek) A servant first A brother second

3 Jude 1-25 Look out for these guys!

4 Jude 1 Called – Romans 8: 28-30 Loved – II Thessalonians 2: 13-14 Kept – II Corinthians 1: 21-22

5 Jude 3 a change of plans - the faith is in danger

6 Jude 4 who are these people?

7 Jude 4 who are these people? Already condemned Among you Godless Grace turned into license for immorality Deny Jesus Christ

8 Jude 4 who are these people? II Peter 2: 1-3 Acts 20: 28-31 II Timothy 4: 1-4 I John 2: 18-23

9 Jude 4 who are these people? Among you Wolves in the flock Distort the truth – truth in disrepute Suit their own desires, grace into immorality Deny Jesus Christ, our sovereign, our lord

10 To suit their own desires who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality He is such a kind man and wonderful minister that the sex thing really didnt enter into it for me. -parishioner

11 To suit their own desires who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality Actually the Bible really doesnt condemn homosexuality. All the verses that address homosexuality were written to heterosexuals warning them not to engage in homosexual acts as a form of deviant behavior. Gene Robinson

12 To suit their own desires who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality "The church believes the Holy Sprit continues to work through the church and can do new things and that we make our decisions on the basis of not only Scripture, but tradition and reason," Masterman said.

13 To suit their own desires who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality We dont rely totally on Scripture to guide the church, but also tradition and the Holy Spirit working through the community of believers." Rector from Pasadena, CA

14 Jude 5-7 look at Gods track record Destroyed disobedient, unbelievers Bound fallen angels for later judgment eternal fire for Sexual immorality, perversion

15 Jude 8-10 In the very same way these dreamers… pollute their own bodies reject authority slander celestial beings speak against what they dont understand their instincts destroy them

16 Jude 11 Woe to them! way of cain – selfishness, greed, murder balaams error – abusing personal power korahs rebellion – against Gods appointed leadership

17 Jude 12 Blemishes at the pot-luck dinners I Corinthians 11: 17-22 II Peter 2: 13-14

18 Jude 12-13 Clouds without rain Trees without fruit Wild waves, wandering stars Isaiah 55: 10-11 by their fruit… (or lack of it) Job 38: 8-11 Psalm 147: 4

19 Jude 14-15 He is coming with His Holy Ones to judge the ungodly 4 Daniel 7: 25-27 Zechariah 14: 1-5 I Thessalonians 3: 13

20 Jude 16-19 Grumblers, fault-finders, evil desires, boasters & flatterers Dividers, instinctual, Spiritless I Timothy 4: 1 II Timothy 3: 1-5 II Peter 3: 3 But this shouldnt surprise you!

21 Jude 20-21 Build yourselves up… Pray in the Holy Spirit Keep yourselves in Gods love II Peter 1: 3-8 John 16: 13-14 John 15: 10

22 Jude 22-23 Merciful to doubters Snatch from fire & save Mercy mixed with fear judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. James 2:13 Galatians 6: 1

23 Jude 24-25 Merciful to doubters To him who is able to keep you from falling…

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