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The Characteristics of Life

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1 The Characteristics of Life












13 Orange crops are resistant to the pesticide

14 Over time, the number of resistant individuals increases until the entire population is resistant to the pesticide that is used to control them.

15 Viruses Viruses are NOT living things because of 2 reasons:
1. They are NOT made of cells 2. They CANNOT reproduce on their own. They hijack a HOST cell and use it to reproduce. YOU are often the host cell. Viral animation

16 You MUST be able to do ALL 8 things in order to be considered LIVING!!
STERNGRR Synthesis Transport Excretion Respiration Nutrition Growth/Development Reproduction Regulation You MUST be able to do ALL 8 things in order to be considered LIVING!!

17 Synthesis Synthesis – putting together many small pieces to make something larger ex. Photosynthesis Protein Synthesis CO2 + H2O + Sunlight Glucose + O2

18 Transport Transport – moving things throughout the organism
ex. Bloodstream moving oxygen & food Plants using roots to move water and nutrients Osmosis Diffusion Active Transport

19 Excretion Excretion – getting rid of wastes
ex. Sweating, exhaling, using bathroom

20 Respiration Respiration – NOT BREATHING!!
turning food into energy (ATP) ex. Turning lunch into ATP for the rest of the day


22 Nutrition Nutrition – taking in nutrients (food, water, oxygen)
ex. Breathing in, drinking, eating

23 Growth & Development Growth – getting BIGGER
Development - undergoing changes ex. Puberty & metamorphosis

24 Reproduction Reproduction – making a new organism, or making new cells
Two types : Asexual – 1 source of DNA Sexual – 2 sources of DNA Sexual Asexual

25 Regulation Regulation – also known as HOMEOSTASIS –
controlling your internal environment ex. Blood sugar, body temperature



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