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Public policy charter Enrollment Procedures

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1 Public policy charter Enrollment Procedures
Presented by: Crystal Lopez

2 What's included in our enrollment packet?
Enrollment Checklist Form Enrollment Forms Enrollment Form Media Release and Consent Form Emergency Card Health Forms Permanent Health History Card Examination by Private Physician Card “Orange Card” (out of state/country-brand new) Must be signed and stamped by physician Oral Health Assessment/Waiver Request Form (out of state/country-brand new) Must be signed and stamped by physician

3 Important Information RE: Enrollment Forms
Please refer to the sample enrollment form If parents indicate that there is a court order, please request copies If parents indicate that their ethnicity/race is American Indian/Alaskan Native, we must provide them with the Title VII Student Eligibility Certification If parents answer yes on the following questions, we must provide them with the Family Work Questionnaire Does the Student have any relatives who are all part American Indian or Alaskan Native? Did the students parent/legal guardian work in one or more of the following industries in the last three years (agriculture, dairy, fishery etc.)? Evaluation and Planning of Services for Special Education If parents indicate that the student needs special accommodations/services, please refer this to our Special Education Department If student has an IEP/Plan 504, please request a copy and forward to Special Education Department Media Release and Consent Form Emergency Card

4 Registration Requirements
Proof of Age - Birth Document Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, Court Document, Affidavit If parent is unable to provide one of these documents, the parent must complete Affidavit for Proof of Age of Minor. If the student is not residing with the parent/guardian and guardianship has not been legally established, the Caregiver’s Authorization Guidelines and Affidavit shall be given to the caregiver for completion. Good for 1 year. Chronological Age Calculator /Grade Placement Chart is to be used for students new to the country who’s grade is unknown. Parent ID Parent name must match the birth document Immunization Record Health Services Coordinator will be verifying immunization record and all health forms. In the event that she is not available, please refer to the Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry. If parent is unable to provide an immunization record, the PAR can be checked for immunizations.

5 Registration Requirements Cont.
IEP, If Applicable Evaluation and Planning of Services for Special Education Form & IEP must be forwarded to Special Education Dept. PAR and/or Transfer Paperwork, If Applicable Used for grade verification, CELDT Data, Immunizations, Exit Date/Code etc. Parent must provide this on day of enrollment appointment or on the first day of school. If parent does not provide us with this, we will need to request it from the students previous school of enrollment. Parent/Child must be present

6 What do you need to check for?
Completeness Accuracy Documents

7 PowerSchool Initial Enrollment Card
Forms for Office Staff PowerSchool Initial Enrollment Card Enrollment Office Checklist

8 Powerschool screens- demographics

9 Powerschool screens- Parent info page

10 Powerschool screens- Student Information page

11 What to do after entering all information on PowerSchool
Principal and Ms. Lopez will create schedules. Crystal or office staff will request Cumulative Records.

12 Pupil Enrollment Actively Enrolled when:
Required registration forms are completed and turned in A classroom has been assigned The student has been reported to designated classroom

13 Parent/Guardians must be provided with the following mandatory resources During Parent Meeting
Parent/Student Handbook Master Academic School Calendar Attendance Policy School rules, behavior standards, policies,bell schedules,etc. Student Code of Conduct included in the Parent/Student Handbook Family Educational Rights and Privacy Notice (FERPA) “Are You Puzzled By Your Child’s Special Needs” Brochure 504 Plan Brochure

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