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How do conservative domestic policies under Reagan change America?

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1 How do conservative domestic policies under Reagan change America?
The Reagan Revolution How do conservative domestic policies under Reagan change America?

2 1980 Election: Conservative Revolution
Jimmy Carter challenged in own party by Ted Kennedy Conservative coalition of “Reagan Democrats” & “Moral Majority” help Reagan win easily election Reagan wants to fix America with “new right” ideas: 1) Shrink size of federal government by cutting entitlements 2) Promote family values 3) Promote patriotism & strengthen national defense

3 Supply Side Economics aka Reaganomics
Reagan’s budget director David Stockman believed in “trickle down economics” Supply Side Economics aka Reaganomics 1) Cut taxes on businesses & capital gains 2) Cut taxes on the wealthy so they will buy more products, which will then create jobs for middle class & poor 3) Cut Fed Budget: mass transit, food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, mental health and job training

4 Reagan removes many govt controls on banks & businesses
Reagan’s ideas are criticized as the rich are getting richer and poor getting poorer, Nancy Reagan’s luxuries compound this Plan backfires, recession hits hard from July 81- Nov 82 However, when Reagan announces middle class tax cuts, economy begins to boom Deregulation Reagan removes many govt controls on banks & businesses Results: 1) Prices fall w/ more competition 2) Corporate profits rise 3) Banks take more risks (more risks=more failures)

5 Air Traffic Control Strike
Air traffic controllers go on strike, claim wages have been flat Issue: Public safety vs. right to strike, Reagan fires strikers Discuss: Did Reagan do right thing with the air traffic strike?

6 Reagan & Environment Issues for Environmentalists: Ends alt energy tax credit, removes solar panels from WH Appoints James Watt as Secy of Interior, who allow oil drilling on protected govt land Positives for environmentalists: appointed first group to study climate change in the arctic

7 1984 Re-election 1984: economy booming, Democrats challenging Reagan incl: ex-VP Walter Mondale, Sen Gary Hart & Rev Jesse Jackson Mondale wins nomination picks Geraldine Ferraro as VP nom. Reagan wins a landslide re-election

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