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Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers Clarifying the Confusion and Uncertainty.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers Clarifying the Confusion and Uncertainty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers Clarifying the Confusion and Uncertainty

2 Even Hollywood couldnt create this kind of drama and crisis!

3 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers In 2008, HSUS pass Prop. 2 in California - Farm animals should be able to stand up, sit down and turn around without touching anything. In 2010, California State Assembly passed legislation (AB1437) requiring egg producers in other states to comply with Prop. 2 in order to sell shell eggs in California Compliance date for Prop. 2 – January 1, 2015 Due to activist pressure cage-free or enriched colony housing legislation passes in Oregon, Washington, Ohio and Michigan UEP attempts to prevent interstate commerce nightmare from happening by trying to pass a federal Egg Bill that would preempt state laws Pork, beef and farm bureau successfully kill our Egg Bill and Farm Bill passes without any solutions or certainty for egg farmers Brief History

4 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers CDFA and egg farmers in CA define Prop. 2 with food safety regulations and 116 square inches per hen - without enrichments So where are we now…

5 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers CDFA Shell Egg Food Safety Rule Started July 1, 2013 Chick paper testing End of lay swab Vaccination Will Start January 1, 2015 Space requirements Labelling # of Hens123456789+ Square inches/ hen322205166146135127121117116

6 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers HSUS has jumped back into CA debate screaming Prop. 2 meant cage- free – this would be a game changer! MO Attorney General filed a suit against the state of California, alleging that the state is unconstitutionally attempting to regulate farming practices beyond its borders. NE, AL, OK, KY and IA joined the suit – this would be a game changer! Egg producers outside of CA arent sure what to invest in or change to Prop. 2 compliance date is 9 months from now!?!? So where are we now…

7 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers Will CA be short of eggs? Will the rest of the country be long on eggs? How will farms outside of CA - shipping eggs into CA - be policed? Will there be fines? Will consumer confidence and demand suffer? You think youre confused? You want clarity… So where are we now…

8 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers This is how egg farmers feel all over the U.S.

9 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers This is what certainty looks like…

10 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers UEP will try to help answer the…

11 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers Held a Board meeting the past 2 days… …and will have direction/plan soon Because of AGs lawsuit… UEP will act as clearinghouse for industry… …and will deliver those scenarios and questions to CDFA UEP…

12 Leadership by Egg Farmers for Egg Farmers Thanks! Any questions?

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