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TOPTRAC: Topical Trajectory Pattern Mining

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Presentation on theme: "TOPTRAC: Topical Trajectory Pattern Mining"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOPTRAC: Topical Trajectory Pattern Mining
Source: KDD 2015 Advisor: Jia-Ling Koh Speaker: Hsiu-Yi,Chu Date: 2018/1/22

2 Outline Introduction Method Experient conclusion

3 Introduction

4 Introduction Goal Topical trajectory mining problem:
Given a collection of geo-tagged message trajectories, it’s to find topical transition pattern and the top-k transition snippets which best represent each transition pattern

5 Introduction Transition pattern Transition snippet

6 Introduction Definition Trajectory(st) geo-tagged message (mt,i)
Geo-tag Gt,i : 2-dim vector(Gt,i,x,Gt,i,y) Bag-of-word wt,i : N words{wt,i,1,…, wt,i,n}

7 Introduction Definition Latent semantic region:
a geographical location where messages are posted with the same topic preference Topical transition pattern: a movement from one semantic region to another frequently

8 Outline Introduction Method Experience conclusion

9 Method Generative Model Assume there are M latent semantic regions
K hidden topics in the collection of geo-tagged messages How to generate each sequence st = (mt,1, mt,2 , … , mt,n )

10 Method Generative process Ex:Θ1=(topic1,…topic k )
Ex:Φk=(word1,…,word v) 0.3 0.2 0.6 2 3

11 Method λt : Bernoulli distribution(0~1) St,i = {0,1}:
mt,1 mt,2 λt : Bernoulli distribution(0~1) St,i = {0,1}: Whether mt,i is in the local context

12 Method Case1: St,i = 1 Case2: i =1and St,i = 1 or
mt,1 mt,2 Case1: St,i = 1 Select Rt,i = Uniform(1/M) Generate Gt,i = Uniform(f0) Case2: i =1and St,i = 1 or i >= 2 and St,i = 1 and St,i-1 = 0 Select Rt,I = Categorical(δ0) Generate Gt,I = f(Gt,I)

13 Method Case3: else Select Rt,I = Categorical(δr(t,i-1),z(t,i-1))
mt,1 mt,3 Method Case3: else Select Rt,I = Categorical(δr(t,i-1),z(t,i-1)) Generate Gt,I = f(Gt,I)

14 Method Select Topic Select a message Zt,i = Categorical(θRt,i)
wt,I = Multinomial(ΦZt,i)

15 Method Likelihood

16 Method Variational EM Algorithm Maximum likelihood estimation
θR, Φk, λt St,i, Rt,i, Zt,I μr, Σr

17 Method Finding the Most Likely Sequence Notations:
: maximum probability to generate the subsequence when St,i=0 : : maximum probability to generate the subsequence when St,i=1

18 Method Compute : Compute : case1: St,i-1 = 0 ; case2 : St,i-1 = 1

19 Method Finding Frequent Transition Patterns
st’ = {(st,1, rt,1, zt,1),…,(st,n, rt,n, zt,n)} Transition Patterns = {( r1, z1)(r2, z2)} Start with (1, r1, z1) and ends with (1, r2, z2) τ : minimum support

20 Method Example Top-k transition snippets k largest probabilities of
s1’={(0,1,1)(1,1,2)(1,2,1)}, s2’={(1,1,2)(0,2,1)(1,2,1)} with τ = 2 → {(1,2)(2,1)} is a transition pattern Top-k transition snippets k largest probabilities of

21 Outline Introduction Method Experience conclusion

22 Experience Data sets NYC SANF
9070 trajectories, geo-tagged messages M = 30, K = 30, τ = 100 SANF 809 trajectories,19664 geo-tagged messages M = 20, K = 20, τ = 10

23 Experience Baseline LGTA NAÏVE
Run the inference algorithm and find frequent trajectory patterns similar in page15,16 NAÏVE First groups messages using EM clustering Cluster the messages in each group with LDA

24 Experience

25 Experience

26 Experience

27 Experience

28 Outline Introduction Method Experience conclusion

29 Conclusion Propose a trajectory pattern mining algorithm, called TOPTRAC, using probabilistic model to capture the spatial and topical patterns of users. Developed an efficient inference algorithm for our model and also devised algorithms to find frequent transition patterns as well as the best representative snippets of each pattern.

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