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Q2: Identify each of the types of reactions below:

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1 Q2: Identify each of the types of reactions below:
AB  A + B AB + CD  AD + CB A + B  AB AB + C  AC + B 2Na + Cl2  2NaCl CaCO3 + 2HCl  CaCl2 + H2CO3


3 Today’s First Objective:
I understand how the Law of Conservation of Mass affects chemical reactions.

4 Capturing a Chemical Reaction

5 How does mass change during a chemical reaction?
Our Question: How does mass change during a chemical reaction?

6 Research

7 Hypothesis: How does mass change during a chemical reaction?

8 Lab: What Happens to Mass in a Chemical Reaction?

9 Our Reactants: C16H17NaO14 sodium acetylsalicylate -sodium bicarbonate - sodium citrate

10 And H2O Dihydrogen monoxide Aka water

11 Trisodium citrate and water
Our Products: Na3C6H5O7 H2O Trisodium citrate and water

12 Mass of antacid tablet: 3.1g
Mass of water & bag: g Mass of antacid tablet: 3.1g Total Mass before reaction: 104.3 g Mass after bubbles stopped: g Mass difference between start and end: .3g

13 Law of Conservation of Mass:
Mass is neither created or destroyed during a chemical reaction. What you start out with, you must end up with. Every atom present before reaction, must be accounted for after reaction.

14 Conservation of Mass Law
Reactants = Products

15 So How Can We Prove That? Lavoisier

16 Summing Up the Reactions

17 States of matter are often indicated in parenthesis behind the compound.
(g) Is a gas (s) Is a solid (aq) or (l) Is a liquid 2 K(s) + Cl2(g) → 2 KCl(s)

18 How many atoms are involved in this reaction?
2 K(s) + Cl2(g) → 2 KCl(s) K Potassium Cl Chlorine 2

19 Today’s 2nd Objective: I can use various ways to distinguish an acid from a base.

20 Electrolyte: Charged particle in a substance
Ion: H+ or OH- More electrolytes: more conducting of electricity

21 Chemical and physical properties when dissolved in water
Acids: Chemical and physical properties when dissolved in water

22 Reacts with metals to form hydrogen gas and a metal compound

23 Changes colors with an indicator
Sour tastes Changes colors with an indicator

24 Produce a hydrogen ion H+ in H2O
Contains hydrogen Produce a hydrogen ion H+ in H2O Proton donor

25 Not all compounds with hydrogen are acids

26 Example: HCl Hydrochloric Acid Naming Acids: * Hydrogen donator
…so we know there is at least one H+ Possible suffixes - ide - ite - ate - ic Example: HCl Hydrochloric Acid

27 The “Power of Hydrogen”
pH: The “Power of Hydrogen” How many H+ ions are in the compound

28 pH is between 1 and 7

29 Base: A compound containing a hydroxide ion

30 Not reactive with metals
Base Bitter Taste Slippery Not reactive with metals

31 pH is between 8 and 14

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