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Who plays games on the web?

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2 Who plays games on the web?
The Escapist Office worker who is bored at the office. Wants to get out of his routine for a little bit. The Chit-Chatter People who want to meet other people All ages, although teens and housewives are more propense to do it.

3 The Escapist’s Mood The Escapist is severely time- constrained.
He needs an emotional boost.

4 The Chit-chatter's Mood
The chit-chatter wants to interact with other people. He/She is bored/lonely/horny/etc. Can play for a long period of time, but in most cases is media multitasking.

5 Game’s Theme The theme creates an automatic impact, by using humor for example. The Escapist would tell his co-workers, whereas the Chit- chatter will forget about the other media around him/her and concentrate on the game. Acrobatic Mud Diving Acrobatic Mud Diving

6 Game Mechanic Super, super simple.
If in casual downloads the player should learn the game in 2 minutes, in web games it should be in 30 seconds. But don’t think the game shouldn’t have depth! (This is the biggest mistake some portals are making right now). Crazy Mammoths Crazy Mammoths

7 Game Presentation Super clean. If it looks difficult, the game has no chance. Have a simple “START!” button in the main menu, and a very simple game interface. Think about revealing other parts of the interface as the player progresses in the game. Please don’t do this Don’t do this

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