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Separations Update State Implementation Experience October 11, 2018

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1 Separations Update State Implementation Experience October 11, 2018

2 Background Each year, CO does:
2 sets of ST Projections (1 in June, 1 in Dec) 1 set of LT Projections (1 in June) Once the set is done, they are published to our website ( CO is ahead of most states when it comes to producing Projections

3 Early Dec 2017: I asked our Website Administrator which WID version to use; WID 2.6 or WID 2.7? Answer: WID 2.6 Mid-Dec 2017: realized WID 2.6 had no data under aopeng, aopenr, & aopent, BUT there was data in WID 2.7 under exits, annualexits, transfers, annualtransfers, change, annualchange, openings, & annualopenings

4 cont. End Dec 2017: heard from our Website Administrator that GeoSol would be updating website and using WID 2.7 by mid-Jan 2018 Mid-Jan 2018: our ST Projections were loaded to the test site and to the public site End Jan 2018: our Industry Projections Analyst was looking on our website and noticed that the numbers were not displaying correctly as well the old heading still showing up

5 cont.

6 cont. End Jan 2018: numerous s between our Website Administrator, our Industry Projection Analyst, and myself about: Differences between WID 2.6 and WID 2.7 Was this partial data and did the file not save correctly when exported out of PS GeoSol not being aware of the changes between WID 2.6 and WID 2.7 and how those changes were affecting both Industry and Occupational Projections

7 cont. End Feb 2018: had an in person meeting with our Website Administrator, our Industry Projections Analyst, our LMI Director, and myself to discuss what exactly it is we want to display on the website Mid-April 2018: conference call with GeoSol and several other states

8 cont. June-July 2018: (June set) and were completed and loaded to test site Mid-August 2018: (June set) and were finally published to the website We are currently not aware of any questions or concerns about our data

9 Lessons Learned Communication Between PMP, GeoSol, and States
Between GeoSol Liason(s) and State Analyst(s) Many states have Excel file(s) that users can download instead of “interact” with like we do Something we may consider doing in the future

10 Questions?

11 Contact Information Work Phone: LMI Website: Sarah Casias Statistical Analyst I Labor Market Information, CDLE

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