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Q1: As a result of their participation in the New Student Experience (QEP), do students persist at a higher rate? (Fall to Spring; Fall to Fall)

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Presentation on theme: "Q1: As a result of their participation in the New Student Experience (QEP), do students persist at a higher rate? (Fall to Spring; Fall to Fall)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q1: As a result of their participation in the New Student Experience (QEP), do students persist at a higher rate? (Fall to Spring; Fall to Fall)

2 Q1. Persistence Fall to Spring

3 Q1. Persistence Fall to Fall

4 Q2: As a result of their participation in the NSE (QEP), do students successfully pass Front Door Courses at a higher rate?

5 Q2. Success in Front Door Courses Success Rates – All Courses
Do we know anything about repeater rates? (Spring)

6 Q2: Success Rates – Gateway Courses (ENC1101, MAT1033C, STA1001C & MGF1106)
Spring pattern, rates tend to merge more

7 Q2: Success Rates ENC1101 Pattern increasingly noticeable Spring (merge)

8 Q2. Success Rates MAT1033C Are students in both Math and NSE simulataneously?

9 Q3: As a result of their participation in the NSE (QEP), do students reach the Key Academic Thresholds at a higher rate?

10 Q3. Key Academic Thresholds
15 Credits in 2 Years Starting point?

11 Q3: Key Academic Thresholds 30 Credits in 3 Years

12 Q3: Key Academic Thresholds 45 Credits in 4 Years

13 Q4: As a result of their participation in the NSE (QEP), do students graduate at a faster rate?

14 Q4. Graduation Rates 3 Year Grad Rate
23.9% of the FTIC degree-seeking, Fall 2013 cohort students who took NSE graduated in 3 years.

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