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Who fought in World War II?

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1 Who fought in World War II?
MONDAY Turn to pages of the Atlas. Read the introduction. Then look at map A “World War II Begins”. Use the information to complete the following sentences. World War II was fought between the _______________ and the Allies. Germany lead the _______________________ powers. The United Kingdom was an _________________________ power. Japan was an ______________________ power. TUESDAY Look at picture B and read the caption. Write T if the statement is true, and F if the statement is false. Scrap metal was used in war materials. _____ Children did not help in the war effort. _____ Look at map C, “World War II in Europe.” Circle the battles that were Allied victories. Berlin Sicily Kasserine Pass Battle of the Bulge El Alamein D-Day THURSDAY Look at map D, “World War II in the Pacific.” Use the information to complete the following paragraph. In December 1941, Japan attacked the United States at _____________ ______________. In 1942 there were two more key Axis victories. There were ____________ and __________ Sea. Between 1942 and 1945 there were several key Allied victories. Three were (1)______________________, (2) ________________________________, and (3) ___________________________. Japan surrendered after atomic bombs were dropped on _________________________________ and _____________________________________. It took the Allies almost _______ years to win the war in the Pacific.

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