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SET 7 VOCABULARY 7.4 Students will determine the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar words and phrases within authentic texts. Students will read.

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Presentation on theme: "SET 7 VOCABULARY 7.4 Students will determine the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar words and phrases within authentic texts. Students will read."— Presentation transcript:

1 SET 7 VOCABULARY 7.4 Students will determine the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar words and phrases within authentic texts. Students will read to determine the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar words and phrases.

2 Beseech v. To ask earnestly; to beg.

3 Consternation n. Amazement or fear that makes one feel confused.

4 Delectable adj. Pleasing to the senses, especially to the sense of taste; delicious.

5 Garland n. A wreath or chain of leaves and flowers.

6 Gratify v. 1. To please or satisfy. 2
Gratify v. 1. To please or satisfy To give in to what is wanted or requested.

7 Haughty adj. Showing too much pride in oneself and scorn or contempt for others. Haughtiness: n. the state or quality of being haughty.

8 Impetuous adj. Inclined to act without thinking; hasty.

9 Lavish adj. 1. Much more than enough. 2. Very costly. v
Lavish adj. 1. Much more than enough Very costly. v. To give freely or generously.

10 Pluck v. 1. To pull off or out; to pick To remove the feathers from To pull at and let go. n. Courage; bravery. Plucky: adj. Brave; courageous.

11 Ponder v. To think about; to consider carefully.

12 Privilege n. A special favor, right, or advantage given to a person or group. Privileged: adj. Given favors or advantages denied to others.

13 Prostrate adj. 1. Lying flat. 2
Prostrate adj. 1. Lying flat. 2. Lying facedown, especially to show respect. 3. Completely overcome; weak and helpless.

14 Rapture n. A state of great joy, delight, or love.

15 Revelry n. Noisy merrymaking.

16 Whim n. A sudden wish to do something without a particular reason; a fanciful idea.

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