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Campus Ministry System 2017

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1 Campus Ministry System 2017
The System The Reports Why Measure The purpose of this presentation is to provide an orientation on the revised Campus Ministry System. I will provide an overview of the system, discuss the reports that are generated and answer the question – why measure? The system itself is very easy to use and intuitive. This presentation is intended for local boards and individuals that are not regularly involved in the administration of the system. I’m John Dunning, the local board chair on the Virginia Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry.

2 Application Requirements for Reporting
All Ministries Financially Supported by the BHECM This includes: All Wesley Foundations LGWD – UVA – VT – VCU – W&M Those receiving Ecumenical Support Grants CNU – NOVA – SWVA- UMW – NSU – VSU Hybrid Ministries RISE – IGNITE United Methodist Schools The system is intended for all campus ministries receiving financial support from the Virginia Conference – that includes all Wesley Foundations, all Ecumenical campus ministries, our hybrid campus ministries and our United Methodist Schools

3 The System Mission Statement Vision Statement
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world Vision Statement Campus Ministry invites and equips students to explore, engage and embody an active faith in God. The System tracks event related numbers. The system relates to the mission and vision of campus ministries. The mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The reporting system relates to the vision statement tracking events that relate to exploring, engaging and embodying an active faith in God. The system tracks the event related numbers

4 The System Three Main Functions Administration Events Reports
User – Mailing List – School Information Events Enter data – Delete - Update Reports View and Distribute Your Reports Download reports from other campus ministries The campus ministry system has three main functions – administration – event information and the generation of monthly reports.

5 The Campus Ministry System page is located on the Virginia Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministries page You will be required to Log in

6 Here is the login page While campus ministers has the primary data entry responsibility – the intent is to involve students in data entry and analysis.

7 This is a screen shot of the main page – at the top of the page are the control buttons – the main content of the page is the list of events by month that have been entered into the system –lets start with a review the control buttons.

8 Mailing List Management
Administration The administration link takes you to the pages that allow you to prepare a list of the stakeholders who will receive your monthly reports. The user management page allows you to designate the roles of those who have access – or a password. (Campus Minister, administrator or volunteer). The school information page is for entering general information about your school and campus ministry – this information shows on all reports. Mailing List Management User Management School Information

9 Worship, Sm Groups, Bible Study, Other
Event Set-up The Set-up link takes you the Events page – you must first identify the category of event – Explore, Engage or Embody and then select the type of event within that category – as shown. – Explore Outreach, Other Engage Worship, Sm Groups, Bible Study, Other Embody Missions/Svc, Other

10 Invitation – Number of Ways and Methods
Event Set-up After you select the category and type – you will enter the name of the event, the date, time, attendance, and description of the event – also you indicate the number of ways you extended an invitation and a description of the invite methods. Name Date Time Attendance Description Invitation – Number of Ways and Methods

11 This is a screen shot of a completed events page

12 There are two buttons on the bottom of the page – the update event feature allows you to set up all events in advance for a given month and then after the date of the event– just add in the numbers - the other button allows you to delete an event

13 View Report Distribute Report
Reporting Under reporting – the link takes you to a reports page allows you to view your monthly in PDF format prior to distributing the report – if it is ok - then click on the distribute button and it will go your stakeholders – those who on your list – – Next - Lets take a look at the content of the reports View Report Distribute Report

14 This is an example of a report that was distributed in November - At the top of the page you will see the summary – which shows the information about the school and --

15 You will also see a statistical summary of the average number of students attending events per week and the total number of students served in the month compared to the school population

16 A pie chart showing the percent of Embody, Engage and Explore Events conducted during the month

17 You will also see a bar chart showing the student and non-student attendance for each event

18 Next you will see three charts that breakdown your Engage, Explore and Embody events conducted during the month – here I am showing the Engage chart. The bar chart shows the date of the event and the student attendance – the information below shows the event date, event name and attendance.

19 You will also be provided with three charts that provide a monthly attendance summary for the year for all of Engage, Explore and Embody Events - Shown here are the Engage events for The bar chart shows the month and the student attendance for the month. The information below shows the year, month and attendance summary

20 Events of Other Campus Ministries
Download to Excel Going back to reports – you also have the option to viewing the events that have been conducted by other campus ministries in the conference. To view ive this report you click on the download to Excel button. This is a good way to find out what type of events other campus ministries are conducting monthly during the year. You are provided with the name of the ministry – the event date and name. The intent is to open communication between campus ministries to share ideas. Events of Other Campus Ministries Name of Ministry – Event Date – Event Name

21 Ok – that’s the basics of the syste – lets logoff and discuss – the question – Why Measure?

22 Why Measure? A Means of Accountability (Quantitative)
A Tool for Campus Minister/Board Dialogue A Mechanism for Sharing Ideas A Baseline for Improving Effectiveness These are the four primary reasons for measuring

23 Why Measure? A Means of Accountability (Quantitative)
A Tool for Campus Minister/Board Dialogue A Mechanism for Sharing Ideas A Baseline for Improving Effectiveness First it is a means of Accountability - our campus ministries are accountable to the Virginia Conference – and the conference provides both the organizational structure and the funding. Our Book of Discipline requires that the conference and local boards evaluate campus ministry performance. The numbers relate to the general effectiveness of a campus ministry and justification for the level of grant funding.

24 Why Measure? A Means of Accountability (Quantitative)
A Tool for Campus Minister/Board Dialogue A Mechanism for Sharing Ideas A Baseline for Improving Effectiveness The reports should form the basis for a dialogue on what works, what doesn’t and why – The campus minister and the student leadership team should be discussing information regarding attendance and invitations at their weekly meetings and continually looking for ways to improve. The reports should also be discussed and evaluated at every board meeting.

25 Why Measure? A Means of Accountability (Quantitative)
A Tool for Campus Minister/Board Dialogue A Mechanism for Sharing Ideas A Baseline for Improving Effectiveness The reports also are a good mechanism for sharing ideas between campus ministries. What is working and not working should be discussed at effectiveness training sessions and local boards can use this information to compare their with events and the results with the events conducted by other campus ministries.

26 Why Measure? A Means of Accountability (Quantitative)
A Tool for Campus Minister/Board Dialogue A Mechanism for Sharing Ideas A Baseline for Improving Effectiveness The reports form a baseline for improving effectiveness – this includes establishing standards for event attendance and the progress toward reaching your overall campus ministry goals. The system provides quantitative information – however – number don’t tell the whole story – local boards should also be conducting qualitative assessments of their vital ministries. That’s a subject for another presentation.

27 Campus Ministry System 2017
The System The Reports Why Measure Hopefully you now have an idea of how the system works, the reports that are produced and the reasons for measurement. Thank you

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