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Brown Vs The Board of Education

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1 Brown Vs The Board of Education
By Lydia Duarte

2 Plessy V Ferguson Originally upheld that it was NOT unconstitutional to separate educational facilities as long as they were equal.

3 I agree with the ruling during Brown Vs Board of Education
If schools are segregated, they cannot be equal. To be truly equal, they must be integrated. To be equal, students should be taught by the same teachers in the same buildings with access to the same resources.

4 If Schools are Segregated, how can they be Equal?
The only way to be equal is to be given the EXACT same opportunities, resources, and instruction.

5 Equal Defined e·qual [ˈēkwəl] ADJECTIVE
being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value: "add equal amounts of water and flour" · [more] synonyms: identical · uniform · alike · like · the same · equivalent · matching · [more] (equal to) having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge): "the players proved equal to the task" synonyms: capable of · fit for · up to · good enough for · strong enough for · [more] NOUN a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality: "we all treat each other as equals" · [more] synonyms: equivalent · peer · fellow · coequal · like · counterpart · match · parallel

6 Integration of Schools
School must truly integrate. This comic shows the fake integration efforts made by traditional white schools. Equal does not mean white leftovers.


8 Are Schools Still Segregated in 2017?
Sixty-three years after the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, many schools across the country either remain segregated or have re-segregated. maintained-by-individual-choices The city’s school board voted unanimously on Tuesday to repeal a rule that restricted students of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese descent to an “Oriental School” in San Francisco’s Chinatown ― over a century after it was passed.  segregation_us_5888b8abe4b098c0bba7b2bd More than six decades after the Brown vs. Board of Education decision, increasing numbers of black children in the U.S. attend what researchers call “apartheid schools” where students of color comprise more than 99 percent of the population.

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